Major issues connecting to the internet (Cable via ADSL modem)

First of all thanks to everyone who has worked on Haiku!

As for my issue: I can’t connect to the internet!

I have ADSL connection, and noticed that there were a few other threads asking about this but they seemed to be mostly concerned about PPPoE, and I think my modem is using IPoE (encapsulation field in broadband settings). Is IPoE causing the problems?

listdev shows my ethernet device correctly. Also haiku claims that the ethernet device (ipro1000/0) is connected and is sending and receiving data, however I cannot even ping my modem from the terminal.

Interesting side note: when I connect the haiku computer to my modem the internet connection breaks down for all the other computers connected to it (this is perfectly repeatable). The only way to restore the connection is to disconnect the haiku computer and restart the modem. That’s not very nice of Haiku to do that!

While the installation of Haiku went very smoothly even the basic usage has been a bit rough so far, but I figured that I should solve this first and deal with the other problems in their own threads. (?)

Thank you for your time! If any logs or prints are needed please ask and I’ll fetch them.

EDIT: rev: 51206 x86 gcc2 running on hardware

My recommendation is to buy a router (firewall included) and the connect via DHCP.


Haiku don’t have yet support for PPPoE that will allow to directly interface with Internet via your modem connected to the Haiku machine. S
o you’ll need to have a router on your local network and connect the Haiku machine on this network.
As you said you’ve other computers too, that would be the best move, anyway.

Would be interessting to share the output of this command, though:

grep DHCP /var/log/syslog

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Thank you both, and sorry for asking the same questions again - it was the IPoE thing and the weird behaviour that threw me off.

Sadly, I learned that Haiku does not support isochronous transfers via USB which means that I won’t be able to move the developement of my software projects over to Haiku… it’s back to wrestling with windows :pensive:

I’ll however try the grep tomorrow, and try routing the connection through my other computer.

Are you sure about the lack of isochronous transfers? From the information I could gather, I now think that this is an urban legend. Isosynchronous transfers were implemented at some point, but people still don’t want to believe it.

For OHCI controllers (some VIA USB1 devices):

EHCI (which is everything USB2):

UHCI (most USB1 hardware):

So, it seems that outbound isochronous transfers may still be missing except for OHCI. And I don’t think that should be too hard to add now that inbound transfers are available.

Here is the output:

The connection does indeed work when routed through my other computer, thank you all!

Good to hear that. It’s hard to gather the info when it’s scattered around the forums, bug tracker ticket comments etc. My device doesn’t appear when connected, so I assume that USB audio devices are not yet enabled to show up in audio settings? Still, great to hear that progress is being made.