Mac Install (Do not partition)

I just wanted to let people know so they don’t mess up their install. I previously mentioned a workaround so you don’t need to use rEFInd to boot Haiku on a Mac. Install boot camp windows environment, boot Haiku USB, format windows partition as BeFS, move efi files manually (probably the one stored in platform_loaders). There you have a bootable “Windows” option when you load the boot picker on Mac.

I think I broke it. I went to partition MacintoshHD using Disk Utility to make a small fat32 drive to share files between Haiku and OSX. Then I went to go boot Haiku, and it wasn’t showing up anymore. So if you are going to partition, maybe do before installing Haiku. Here we go with the reinstall.

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I haven’t been able to get sound working perfectly. I blacklisted the drivers and installed Open Sound. It works out of the headphone jack, but not the speakers. In Preferences > Media> Audio settings, it shows the output "Intel HD Audio, after installing Open Sound. There is a channel selector, with Output 0, Output 1, and Output 2. It doesn’t seem to change anything though. Has anyone been able to get this work on a Macbook Pro 9,2? What would be the best way to get this working?

No way to get sound out from speakers even with OSS.

What causes there to be no sound? Is there a driver that is missing? Or no way for Haiku to see the device?

Apple computers are known for unconventional wiring for sound and video chips. It seems that both OSS and Intel hda driver don’t know how to route sound to the speakers properly. So I assume the driver needs to be fixed for these computers but no one had interest or time to investigate and fix it

This is not really specific to Apple, our HDA driver is problematic on hardware from many manufacturers. This is mainly because the HDA specification is implemented in many chipsests (with some differences each time) and is also very flexible and configurable, and the driver simply needs to handle a lot of cases.

I did blacklist the HDA driver. What is it that open sound does with drivers?

opensound provides its own drivers, that are conflicting with the default ones. So, to use the opensound provided driver, the other one must be disabled.

On some machines the opensound driver works better, on some it’s the opposite. Until one of the two drivers is working on a vast majority of hardware we’re stuck in that situation of having two drivers.

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