Localization in Tracker -- may use wrong translation file when showing Home dir


The system I am using now set the locale to zh_hant,and the zh_hant translation job I am working on havn’t post to the dev code now,I am sure of it.But the system already have some Chinese on the tracker app(or so call the GUI).

I searched all the items about “size” in zh_hant and found nothing about tracker to “尺寸”.Size in Chinese could be “大小” or “尺寸”,but it will be much more accumulate with “大小” to “filesize”.Also the “名称” and “修改” is the same problem.

It just appear in home dir,with other dir,the problem is not shown.

I think some code in background point these title to the wrong translation(zh_hans).Is anybody working on tracker development and check about that?


This may be the problem from #7866 (Some folders/partitions don't use Locale settings in column headers) – Haiku , where the column name is stored by Tracker in each folder and not automatically updated when changing the translation.

You can try to use rmattr to delete the “_trk/viewstate_le” or “_trk/columns_le” attributes on a directory and then reopen it in Tracker, it should regenerate it with the current translation.

Oh,it is 13 year old.

how to do that?

You can either use the rmattr command from Terminal, or open the folder with “DiskProbe”, select the right attribute from the “Attributes” menu and click the “Attributes|Remove from file” menu from the editor window that’s popped up.

you can also remove the attribute tab (via menu or by dragging it away) and enable it again
but you to do this for every folder, probably the “best way” is to query every application/x-vnd.Be-directory and remove these attributes, or copying them from a default folder

So, why not solve it by code?

That’s what the ticket is about. No one has done it yet. People decided to work on other things instead.

Great :grinning: :grinning: :grinning: