Hi. I think I installed this program to test it on BeOS. BeOS opens windows you left open on shutdown, and this window is one of them. There is no way to close the window. I’ve tried quitting various processes to get rid of it, but have been unsuccessful. Where does BeOS keep the info for what windows were open before?
You should try to use ‘hey’
hey “name or signature of the application” let Window 0 do MoveTo BPoint[100,100]
Assuming that there is only one window
I didn’t get to try this tip here. I ended up installing from one drive to another as I was doing some stuff with multi-booting OS/2. It seems to not have transferred whatever was causing previously opened apps to open.
I also did not try your suggestion zuMi, as I was busy dealing with OS/2 boot stuff. It is nowhere’s near as nice as BeOS and Haiku. Constantly complaining about partition tables.