
So, I attempted to install and run Qupzilla 1.3.5 but when I went to launch it, I get an error message saying that I’m missing
Where can I get this file? and how do I go about fixing this issue? WebPositive works totally fine, so I don’t know what the issue at hand is. Please explain! Thanks so much!

This means that Qupzilla was built on a system where that library was present. Are you running Alpha 4.1? On the latest nightlies builds, (a symlink to is present in /boot/system/lib.

I re-installed Haiku alpha4.1 (from Haiku website) and there is no 1ibpng15.so15. in /boot/system/lib

However, I was doing some research… and found that sometimes libpng15.so15 is a symlink to to could that be possible? I decided to just re-install from website because the nightly builds aren’t fully stable.

Hopefully this can get resolved… can I find libpng15.so15 online? or does it have to be the file build in Haiku?


Have you installed QT? Qupzilla isn’t a native application, so it relies on QT being installed in order to be usable. Same with any other ported app that uses QT.

It isn’t included by default with Haiku, nor Qupzilla as far as I know, I don’t know what the reason is but QT’s absolutely enormous sprawling size surely has something to do with it.

That said it is very useful that we have the facility to run ported apps ^^

Yes, I have QT 4.7.3 installed, and I’m still missing libpng15.so15 hmm…

The strange thing is that I don’t seem to have libpng15.* on this Alpha 4.1 system, yet Qupzilla 1.3.5 works. Where did you download QT and Qupzilla from?
I do seem to have as well as but that is all. exists in the nightly images of hrev44589 and newer.

How is it that we’ve ended up with so many different versions of one library anyway? I’m feeling a bit of a Linuxy feeling coming on, someone call an ambulance!

Libraries are really just a poor man’s API, Linux does not have a real API and that is why they have dependency hell. Haiku, however, has a real API including the translation kit. If developers aren’t using it, they need clouting around the head with a blunt object. In the case of Qupzilla, why is the weird version of libPNG not included with Qupzilla itself? My god, it’s probably 150K in size! I can only fit four copies on my double density floppy disk, this is going to be a real problem. If only I hadn’t glued the disk in the drive, I thought 720K would be enough for anyone…

I think that the problem is the version of QT libraries: I had the problem when I installed the QT version 4.8.5; however, after install the version 4.8.0; the problem was fixed!

In the following URL, you can download the QT 4.8.0:

I installed this previous version aboved the 4.8.5, without problem.

Please, tell us if it worked.
PD: sorry for my bad english!

[quote=ASoftwareHatingFurry]How is it that we’ve ended up with so many different versions of one library anyway? I’m feeling a bit of a Linuxy feeling coming on, someone call an ambulance!

Libraries are really just a poor man’s API, Linux does not have a real API and that is why they have dependency hell. Haiku, however, has a real API including the translation kit. If developers aren’t using it, they need clouting around the head with a blunt object. In the case of Qupzilla, why is the weird version of libPNG not included with Qupzilla itself? My god, it’s probably 150K in size! I can only fit four copies on my double density floppy disk, this is going to be a real problem. If only I hadn’t glued the disk in the drive, I thought 720K would be enough for anyone…[/quote]

Considering that all properly written Amiga/BeOS/Haiku programs will automatically add access to any file/image format the moment you install a new Data Translator the idea of having to know about and link in a library instead is just a bad approach to the problem.

How hard is it to add Data Translators to a QT program?