Lazarus 1.9 trunk Qt4 and Qt5 interface (screenshots)

So, I did some tests with an updated but it seems I have a problem: while configuring the ports baudrate etc works by more or less directly calling the respective routines in that file, things like sending breaks, purging and flushing works trough another mechanism I don’t fully grasp yet.
All in all it would be needed I expect that I just dump this file in place of the original one, and recompile FPC/Lazarus.
On Windows, this is no problem: but on Haiku it -is-. Since we have the read-only filesystem in place…

If someone knows how to circumvent this in a rather straightforward and both simple way, I’d love to learn this.
The other route would be to use fpcupdeluxe on Haiku to download all sources and build FPC/Lazarus since it does it in the home folder. That way, I can do it like on windows: just overwrite the file afterwards, and let fpcupdeluxe recompile.

Unfortunately I can’t get fpcupdeluxe going. While the executable runs (so no Qt problems), and I can manage to install subversion (which it complains about), I cannot simply solve problems like failing ‘make’ since no targets (recipes) are defined for x64 (or something like that, I’d have to look up the exact messages).

I tried different source versions etc, but alas, nogo.

It would be super if someone (s40in?) updates fpcupdeluxe where needed, or even create a hpkg for it, so it ‘automatically’ can solve dependancies: while in the end leaving me with the option to overwrite source files and rebuild FPC/Lazarus with it.

That way I have a working chance solving these kinds of issues, otherwise, well, I’m stuck.
I have a partial workaround though: leaving the .inc files inside my project, accepting that I cannot use the FP_IOCntl() functions in there and so comment out all flow-control related serial port commands in my project (thereby making that project less stable since I have things like flooding-prevention built in normally).

Hoping that someone can help out here… If so, I would be very gratefull :wink:

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