Keyboard mapping


I have the latest GCC4 Senryu image running under VMware server on a Sony Vaio VGN-SZ470N. Everything works great except the keyboard mapping (the Delete and Arrow keys are incorrectly mapped). If I change either the system or layout, none of the settings seem to stick. I’m in the U.S.

Is there a way to hand edit /boot/home/config/settings/Key_map?

I know this is still alpha, so I know MMMV, just more curious than anything…



Hey guys ! Thanks for this information ! Very helpful and informative ! Keep posting ! Good Bless ! buy soundcloud comments


Setting and changing keys works here (GCC4 hybrid).
If you have an older build, make sure to press the “Use” button before quitting the Keymap panel. This button was removed in a more current build.

BTW, left-drag&drop will copy a key over another, right-drag&drop exchange two keys.

You can save and load keymaps in editable ascii format from the commandline:

keymap -d > mymessedupkeymap
keymap -l < mymessedupkeymap

Woah! I never knew you could move keys around and define your own layout graphically.

What’s the recommended way to switch from the default layout to (for example) a UK layout? I’ve spotted something in Haiku>System> but when I click on one I don’t know what to open it with.

I’m guessing this is set in a config file somewhere, but having an app which offers to switch it when you “open” a layout file would be pretty sweet.

Use the Keymap preferences applet:

Haiku should have something like switcher ( in prefs. I, for example, need to be able to switch between Greek and English fast. I don’t want to start or use a large application like keyboard prefs to do that!!! A simple app with a Deskbar indicator and the ability to preselect which keymaps to switch between using a key combination like alt-shift should do the trick.

Switcher is included in Haiku. Not in front of my Haiku machine now, but if my memory does not fail, it’s in the Desktop Applets folder.

hm… didn’t see it on my first run… thanks. I’ll take a look :slight_smile:

Hmm… I don’t see it on my R1/Alpha1 install, perhaps it was removed at some point?

As well as moving characters around on the keyboard display, you can also drag and drop from the character picker: I put an em-dash on my keyboard to replace the logical-not which British users are strangely assumed to need.

Neither is it in mine. I will try to install from bebits. It should be included. Keyboard switching is a must for non latin alphabet languages.

Neither is it in mine. I will try to install from bebits. It should be included. Keyboard switching is a must for non latin alphabet languages.[/quote]

Well, that’s strange, because I was pretty sure it was voted into Alpha 1… Oh well… Anyway, don’t use the binary from Bebits, as it is old and has some quirks in Haiku. There is a Haiku-specific optional package that you can get from here:

Well, that’s strange, because I was pretty sure it was voted into Alpha 1… Oh well… Anyway, don’t use the binary from Bebits, as it is old and has some quirks in Haiku. There is a Haiku-specific optional package that you can get from here:[/quote]

Thanks, it works great. Better in fact than the original. Also the Haiku Input server is better at handling dead keys. Accenting letters works in Greek as it should! Great work.