Just checked out and built my first EVER Haiku revision!

…and I am totally blown away! On my humble 1.6 P4 (BeOS variant Box) with only 256MB ram I sat and watched with absolute amazement as the OS built (Ok! Ok! A bit like watching paint dry I know).

But hey! It’s only when you analyze what’s going on before your eyes that you come to realize what a FANTASTIC job has been done by such a small - but extremely talented and committed - group of developers IN A RELATIVELY SHORT space of time.

All I can say is thank you to the whole Haiku team, all of you, for your hard work over the last few years.

There is something to be said for building Haiku from scratch instead of downloading nightly builds. It is a very humbling experience…

Haiku ROCKS!!! As BeOS did before it!

:shock: :smiley:

El-Al wrote:
There is something to be said for building Haiku from scratch instead of downloading nightly builds. It is a very humbling experience....

I have to agree here - I remember my first experience trying to get it to build… on a PIII 600 it takes HOURS.

However, I wouldn’t think of using a nightly-build any more - it’s just so much more satisfying to build it from source directly - plus I have the option of "jam haiku-image" or "jam install-haiku" depending on my needs at that very moment :wink:

I also use a custom "late" script to add a bunch of apps to my image/install before it’s finished… which is exceptionally convenient.

I spoke just a little too soon! I switched off my machine when the build had completed without reading the output from the terminal.

Eagerly looking for my Haiku image file this morning in the generated folder, I was surprised to find that there wasn’t one…doh!

Apparantly, the build skipped the haiku.image ‘for lack of <HaikuImage>haiku.image-init-vars…’

What did I do wrong guys? :frowning:

Maybe this problem is related to the jam. The jam process exits with a ‘vfork: no memory’ statement. I’m wondering if this has anything to do with the actual build failing??

Anyone like to offer some past experience here.

El-Al wrote:
Maybe this problem is related to the jam. The jam process exits with a 'vfork: no memory' statement. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the actual build failing??

Anyone like to offer some past experience here.

Never running into that specific error myself - maybe you ran out of memory during the jam? - it might work if you just jam it again (since it will only complete any targets that aren’t done yet) - worst-case scenario, cd to the folder for the target(s) that failed and "jam" them all by themselves.

For future reference:

jam -q haiku-image

will simply stop when a target fails without continuing further.

Make sure you’re using the proper GCC and jam versions - you can get GCC 2.95.3 from: http://bebits.com/app/4011

It should be the 060710 version.

The best way to get jam is to grab the buildtools/jam from SVN and build it.

report back your versions:

#gcc --version


#jam -v
Jam 2.5-haiku-20060813. OS=BEOS. Copyright 1993-2002 Christopher Seiwald.

I think there’s even a newer jam version in the tree now…

You can download the development tools at


I uploaded a new jam binary a few weeks ago. I hope it works correctly with R5 (I used BONE).

Yay! We have lift-off!
Required a clean R5 install and the - correct - :oops: gcc version. I had inadvertantly installed the later version of the BeBits page.

But now I am full of homemade Haiku goodness :smiley:

Now, Urias, about those scripts you use to install additional stuff as you go…? What would be required to automatically install a soundfont into the ‘synth’ directory simultaneously renaming the file to ‘big_synth.sy’ ?

Thanks for your input guys!

El-Al wrote:
Now, Urias, about those scripts you use to install additional stuff as you go...? What would be required to automatically install a soundfont into the 'synth' directory simultaneously renaming the file to 'big_synth.sy' ?

It could do that yes… - I created some directory structures to match the Haiku/BeOS folder Hierarchy and then copied the directories recursively to the image during the build.

There’s an example of what i’ve done here:


You can use the $cp command in this late user script to copy whatever you want to the image using the sPrefix and tPrefix variables to represent the relative source path (where you jam’d from) and the target path (the image file’s root once it’s built)

Thanks for your input guys!

No problem :smiley:

When building Haiku, you MUST have 384MB of RAM minimum. Anything less and the JAM won’t complete. It used to work with 256MB but not anymore. This is still true, to my knowlege, unless something has changed…

I’m using an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ rig and it only takes about 30 minutes (or less) to Jam a build of Haiku. This is, of course, after having JAM’d a build previously. Downloading and/or building the latest revision from scratch does take a while. I wouldn’t even attempt it if you have dialup. DSL is the bare minimum, I’d say. 3Mbit/sec (or greater) cable is preferrable.


Luposian wrote:
When building Haiku, you *MUST* have 384MB of RAM minimum. Anything less and the JAM won't complete. It used to work with 256MB but not anymore. This is still true, to my knowlege, unless something has changed...

I’m using an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ rig and it only takes about 30 minutes (or less) to Jam a build of Haiku. This is, of course, after having JAM’d a build previously. Downloading and/or building the latest revision from scratch does take a while. I wouldn’t even attempt it if you have dialup. DSL is the bare minimum, I’d say. 3Mbit/sec (or greater) cable is preferrable.


Mine completes on an R5 machine with only 256mb RAM - but I can’t be running any other processes really…

In fact, I just compiled successfully with 180mb free - but I think I can do with less even.

umccullough wrote:
Mine completes on an R5 machine with only 256mb RAM - but I can't be running any other processes really...

Could Luposian be refering to a complete build of the Haiku tree, rather than a haiku-image build ? Or should I keep quiet? :wink:

All I do is download the latest revision from Subversion. After that’s done, I type “cd trunk”, type “configure”, and then type “jam haiku-image” (or “Jam install-haiku” (if I want to install directly to the Haiku partition)). That’s all. That’s all I’ve ever done, since I’ve been “Jammin’” Haiku builds.

I build Haiku in BeOS R5 PE (WIND distro), if that helps.

At one time, it worked fine at 256MB. Then I started having problems (Jam wouldn’t finish). I believe it was DarkWyrm who told me that 384MB was the new minimum. After upgrading to 512MB of DDR memory, JAM worked fine again. I’ve been using 512MB ever since.

If you can get away with 256MB RAM, great. But I assumed once something changed, like memory requirement, it never went back down again.

My main question is, does anyone know (or have) an exact list of what hardware is supported (compatible) by Haiku? I don’t think the compatibility list at haiku-os has been updated in awhile and may not show the latest compatibility level.

I havn’t had any more issues building the image since i reinstalled R5 and the correct developer toolchain. I still have a paltry 256Mb stick of memory in the machine I’m using to build.

Cost of ram being so low these days I should really replace it, however, the box is an IBM xServer 205 with registered, buffered, error-checking, dusting, hoovering, feed the cats kind of memory. I’m having a spot of bother finding a matched pair of 256 sticks.