JAVA plugin for WebPositive

Please… Please do not allow Java to be implemented in Haiku web browser. The industry is moving away from Java because of malware!

html 5 is the future indeed but i think i’ve read some talk on irc about that too. but yeah java is bad.

Really what would be the problem as long as it were off by default… its needed for some sites. For instance eduactional CMSs often have java based file uploaders. so without java your average college student might not be able to use Haiku.

I’m not fond of Java either, but it’s not something you can just cut out, not without negatively impacting the user experience. Even if HTML5 does overtake the alternatives, it’s certainly not there yet, and there are a number of things (like the aforementioned courseware) that are just highly unlikely to get a complete overhaul to another platform merely because one system doesn’t support it.

Indeed, enabling java plugins by default might not be a wise choice, but it has to be there as an optional package.