It's time to revive BeAIM - Retro messaging in 2024

I briefly considered migrating to this server software, but who knows how stable it is, or what vulnerabilities are present. our present server software handles a great many OSCAR clients both AIM and ICQ and is for the most part very stable.

Did you also consider open-sourcing your server software?
Would be interesting to have a look at it and maybe people can contribute and help making it even better.

at a time, but there were growing security concerns, these old messenger clients are full of security holes as it is, and I even had to break protocol in some areas just to improve the security.

I have been looking over the source of this retro-aim-server, from what I have seen so far this looks like it wouldnā€™t handle more than a few concurrent connections before it folds like a napkin under the strain.

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is this right nipos?

Is your question why you canā€™t change these settings?
Thatā€™s because you need to login first.
Without logging in,only General and Connection settings can be edited.

But i can`t logg in.

Seems to be a server issue,doesnā€™t work for me either.
Maybe try again later.

ok then i try later.

it is still down nipos?

Yes,seems so.
As I told you a few times already,Iā€™m not the admin and I canā€™t do anything about it.
You can ask Wildman if you want to,but thereā€™s a good chance heā€™ll notice anyway when he looks at his computer the next time,so better just wait a bit longer.

ok and thanks for answer me.

ok and thanks for answer me nipos.
Hi @nipos can you login with your BeAIM? I can`t.

Iā€™m not at a computer currently, but itā€™s possible that the server is still down.
Maybe @Wildman knows moreā€¦

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Hi it works now :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve just finished and released BeAIM 1.6.3 which adds formatting messages as a new major feature,as promised before.
You can now make your text bold,italic,underlined or struck-out,as well as change the font size and font family (which for compatibility reasons is a hardcoded list of fonts that should always be available).
Besides that,the Idle Detector input filter is now packaged and tells your contacts that youā€™re idle if there was no activity on your computer for a few minutes.
BeAIM shows its age in that it only detected http:// links before,https:// wasnā€™t that common when BeAIM was first written - thatā€™s now fixed,https:// is handled just like http://.
The English and German translations have been updated with the new strings,other languages will automatically fallback to English for the not-yet-translated strings.

HPKGs for both x86 and x86_64 are available again at the Codeberg releases page.

If you prefer to build your own packages from source instead,you can clone the Git repository and simply run make package to produce a hpkg file that you can then install.

This might be the last BeAIM version for some time,as Iā€™ll try to port the interface to use the LayoutKit as the next big task.
That may take some time,I havenā€™t looked at all details yet,but I think Iā€™ll have to rewrite a major part of the user interface code.
I hoped I could avoid that for some time,but LayoutKit is the only solution to properly support scaling (HiDPI displays and such) and if I postpone it and add more new features first,Iā€™ll only have more code to rewrite later,so I decided it only makes sense to do it now.


I started playing with GitHub - HaikuArchives/BeAIM: AIM chat client for BeOS. again after seeing the many retro-AIM servers popping up.

@nipos since youā€™re doing such amazing work, iā€™m going to make GitHub - HaikuArchives/BeAIM: AIM chat client for BeOS. read only and point it to your repo.


Thanks for giving my project more visibility :+1: