[ITA] Nasce il Gruppo "itHUG": Italian Haiku User Group

È con grande entusiasmo che annunciamo la nascita di “Haiku Italia”, la nuova incarnazione del leggendario Italian BeOS User Group. Dalle ceneri del passato, Haiku Italia sorge con l’obiettivo di promuovere e diffondere il sistema operativo Haiku, noto per la sua eleganza e potenza.

We are excited to announce the birth of “Haiku Italia”, the new incarnation of the legendary Italian BeOS User Group. Rising from the ashes of the past, Haiku Italia aims to promote and spread the Haiku operating system, known for its elegance and power.


Congratulazioni! :smiley:

Not much of a “user groupie” myself, but do keep us updated on how you fare. If you’re successful, it might give ideas and motivation to others thinking about opening their own HUG.
Once you’re up and running, we can add itHUG’s homepage to Community Links | Haiku Project.

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Thank you very much for your congratulations!

We are very happy to have received a positive response from the Haiku community.

We are still evaluating the best web mode for our site, but we will commit to not duplicating the content of the official website.

We will keep you updated on our progress, and as soon as we are operational, we will inform you to add our homepage to the Community Links of Haiku Project 2. :smiley:

ps [ita]
per tutti gli interessati seguiteci nel canale Telegram che trovate nell’immagine! :slight_smile: