Ahoy @egor_bordunov ,
Your report is a bit generic to answer to these issues.
Is your Haiku instsll
→ 32 bit
–>64 bit
→ Beta5 version
→ one of a Nightly version ?
if so : which one ?
(you can find it by invoking About Haiku, which can be found in
Deskbar at the top. In my example below it is translated to my native language - it is possible for your languge if you installed Haiku that way, but the Haiku’s standard objects can be found on the same position.)
→ About Touchpad : you had not clarified what is your issue,
however without question as as such Ideapad laptops counts as modern hardware – I have a hint for you :
Touchpads in some modern hardware connected via i2c bus by manufacturers. You may have such hardware.
One contributor started to work on this area to improve i2c related drivers especially HID devices.
You can read about it at following forum post
If you want to test how it progresses, you may change to 64 bit Haiku Nightly version, as it won’t appear in Beta5 soon.
The contributor added the first fixes in hrev58523 - that was committed recently and that Haiku version was compiled and made available for public – you could see in my example : as I am already on hrev58523.
→ About Wifi : you had not clarified what is your issue.
→ About sound : you had not clarified what is your issue.
Kind regards,