Is Tracker changed in beta 5?

Sorry for my English. It is not my first language.

Few month ago, I was installed Haiku Beta 4 in my pc. I use korean language. So I try to Korean Input Method, HanBe. It worked well.

Couple of weeks ago, I was trying to Beta 5. It looks good. But I cannot execute HanBe. then I got error message, “Tracker(Invalid Argument)”.

I don’t know what happened. Honestly, I don’t think Tracker is the cause either. but it is all of I had.

P.S. If you test that program, you can download in this

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Can you start the programm from the Terminal and post the output you got?

It’s not a regular program that you click on, it’s an input add-on. I installed it but it it doesn’t seem to do anything, even after a reboot.

But hey, it’s 25 years old, according to the README.

HanBe for Haiku - Korean Input Server Method
Version 1.0

Copyright 1998-2020, Sangwon Lee (

All rights reserved. Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Your best bet is to ask Sangwon Lee if the source code is still floating around and put it up on HaikuArchives for people to look at it. Or see if you can live with BeCJK instead.

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Why does that matter? Haiku is younger than that. Code doesn’t suddenly become broken when some time has elapsed, if it worked in beta4 but doesn’t in beta5 we should probably check out why

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Sorry everyone. I was completely misunderstand how to use this program. I am very ashamed.

Anyway, It works fine. Thanks for your attention.

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Please don’t feel bad about it. We all make mistakes.

And also we should probably improve that error message, to say “This looks like an add-on and not an executable” instead of “invalid argument”?

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