Is there a reason, why the BeOS 5 sample code is nowhere?

Is there a reason, why the BeOS 5 sample code is nowhere?
And the develop-directory changed from BeOS 5 to Haiku from /boot/develop to /boot/system/develop

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Look on BeShare for, that might be the code you are looking for.


If you are not looking to install it as an HPKG, just download it and rip it apart with Expander.

Thanks agmsmith and michel.
I don’t have recognized Haiku depot before.
Now I have also installed additional software on it. Thanks again.

And the develop-directory changed from BeOS 5 to Haiku from /boot/develop to /boot/system/develop

should be /boot/develop

/boot/develop is available for you to store files. We try to keep the system into /boot/system, and we have put the development files there. If this creates trouble for you, it is easy to create a symlink.