Is BFS support with dd command?

do you see my picture?
just becjk, libreoffice,otter and a txt file.
these are the basic or only function which layman need.

General Hardware Oriented System Transfer
it is the meaning of ghost which is the best alliance
of Microsoft before AD 2018.

unix-like is not designed for layman.
(yes,it is still hard to use for now.)
Windows is a company.
i don’t like it.

i have shared my layman’s experience article in my blog.

and now, i just need to figure the bug out.
why a message “Loading Haiku” ,then freeze.
after i dd the raw file into the partition.

if i know how to deal with it, my work is done.
if you don’t know how to deal with it or point where is the article, please don’t break it again and again.
i don’t want to explain “ why i insist on the ghost way” again and again.

傻瓜式安装完全可以在现 iso 方式上改进得到,也许你提出的问题与大家对传统 BeOS 系统安装方式有所不同,或者说与一般系统安装也存在不同,因而即使有想法可能也不便说出来。

其实,安装 BeOS 的最简单方法是创建一个新分区,然后将老分区(注意并非启动分区)挂载进来(img 之类可以命令行 mount),然后在 Tracker 下全选老分区文件托到另一分区,复制完成后运行 makebootable 命令即完成整个安装。

dd 只能写出 img 映像,对于动态调整分区大小等并不友好。如果非要探究为何 dd 回写后无法启动,建议看看 makebootable 脚本了解一下(现 Haiku 可能和以前传统 BeOS 有所不同)。需要指出一点是,若采用 EFI 方式启动,makebootable 那一步完全可忽略,取而代之的是你必须把 EF I 启动文件复制至特定分区并将其加入至 BIOS 的相关列表。最后还有一点,有些主板是默认启动 Secure Boot 的,你贸贸然从其他机器复制了启动文件到其硬盘上,未重新签名是无法启动的。




thanks, i get the point.

  • Norton Ghost - disk image cloning/backup/recovery tool(s)

Usually, you obtained tools like PowerQuest’s Partition Magic and Norton Ghost or those tools were provided by a computer system builder/distributer - for computer system migrations and backup/recovery.

Partition Magic is provided with BeOS Pro. Norton Ghost lets you clone a single disk install configuration to several computers (versus going through the installation process on every computer (or using automated install script(s)).

Most basic user installation issues are properly getting through the Haiku install to disk - with little understanding of the finer installation processes (does not require a manual or looking into FAQs/Wikis/forums for answers). Others, like a provider/distributor, may want to install a premade image with various software included with the country locale/region selections preconfigured (like with BeCJK and such)…

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I’d suspect the problem is with open files on the filesystem that he is trying to clone. Does dd know how to handle that. Personally I would have booted from a usb pen drive, mounted both partitions mentioned in the orginal postings and then run dd.

Please don’t take this as a personal attack, because it’s not meant as such.
I think most of us here in this thread have a bit of a hard time to understand what you really want to do. I know it can be hard with the language barrier, English isn’t my native language either.
Maybe you could try to make your postings a bit shorter, a bit more concise and stay with one topic instead of making general assumptions in all kinds of directions. As a community, we definitely want to help you.

Back on topic: Take a look at what I wrote as a reply to pulkomandy above. Maybe it solves your problem.


Maybe we can stop inventing problems that don’t exist. dd is a low level tool. It reads sectors from disk and writes them to a file. It doesn’t care if there are files open. In fact it doesn’t care if there is a filesystem at all.


Well, that wasn’t my intention at all. Sorry if that wasn’t clear enough :wink:

Ok, and this doesn’t create problems with data consistency? After all the operating system that you eventually want to boot from the created image does care about the files and their contents.

Of course. But the OP doesn’t care about such. What he would like is a tool that does installation of an image to a partition with a GUI.

1.) Do we have such a tool?

2.) Would such a tool be possible with C? I fear the Haiku GUI API is C++ only? Edit: But I could write a C library for disk I/O and a C++ program using it?

But doesn´t the installer does that ?

Install in the machine, configure with apps as you like, then run the installer to “install” thist to another partition/disk/whatever ? And then use this new “thing” to do other installations ?


Yes, but if you want to use an image with pre-installed applications, how do you do that?

Edit: This are actually two questions:

  1. If I install apps and the envoke “install” does that clone all the apps into the new Haiku system?

  2. If I want to share an image with others is there a GUI program for that on Haiku? (Of course there are apps on Windows, Linux and Mac.)

Yes, if you use dd on a currently mounted disk, you will probably end up with a corrupt image.

You select it as a source in Installer. It just copies everything from the source image.

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Great! There are many things simpler in Haiku than in Windows and Linux (for example rolling back from a buggy system update etc.). Only problem is that I as a user have to abandon old (complicated) habits.

I think he is trying to pre-configure Haiku for a Chinese speaking audience. Make all the necessary adjustments with fonts, settings, perhaps even apps. And then use that pre configured state to share. It’s not so much a distribution, just doing the homework for a Chinese speaking user to be able to use Haiku. Of course I am just speculating at his motive but I’m basing this on his posts.


it seems dd will break the partition after re-writing.
i boot from the usb-driver with haiku. do these command.

dd if=/dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0/0 of=/data/haiku.raw bs=1M count=2048 status=progress
then, i format the /dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0/0 with driversetup.
and then,
dd if=/data/haiku.raw of=/dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0/0 bs=1M count=2048 status=progress
shutdown -r

it can not boot from the partition “/dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0/0”.
i boot from the usb-driver again.
and haiku system can not read the partition.

so, is BFS support with dd command?
the answer is no.

i have to figure the other way out to find out the ghost way with haiku.

Yes, BFS is supported by dd command. Or, it doesn´t need to. dd is a command to just copy things, without worrying about the filesystems.

But for what you want, why not just use the installer to replicate the configured installation to the usb drive, as suggested before ?

i have shared my article “how to install haiku from the current ISO file with a lazy way”.
it is more than 1000 words.
if one new guy is interesting at haiku, it spend 1 hour to understand what is meaning. and another hour to install system , add application, adjust setting.
does any body have the free 2 hours?
if they meet a bug, they will spent another 2hours to figure the solution way out.

if ghost way, all is one sentence “ghost it back”.

“Haiku is an open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing.”

i guess “personal computing” have two meaning.
one, the man have free time or spirit to dig the fun from computer.
the other, the man take the computer as a tool without any more idea.

so, you should tell me which is the major part in the world.
you may say the first part is future.
but the other part is reality for now.

by the way, i try again “dd if=/data/haiku.raw of=/dev/disk/scsi/0/0/0/0 status=progress”
still error message “ haiku can not mount the partition ; error Invalid Argument”.

is BFS support with dd command?
the answer is no.

从你第 1 帖来看,该分区为 4.0G,dd 不应该使用 count=2048 的参数。

还有最重要的是,dd 命令运行时源分区不能是 挂载 可写 状态!其实上面大家都已强调了几次;而从你描述来看,dd 回写后无法挂载,极其可能是写出数据时源分区是 挂载 可写 状态。至于为何不能是挂载 可写 状态,这与具体文件系统实现相关;也许某些日志式文件系统支持快速修复之类可以如此操作,但已不是此帖应该讨论的范畴了。

至于 BFS 是否支持 dd,我想说任何文件系统都支持 dd,只要你使用得当。上面大家也多次强调了 dd 和文件系统无关,你完全可以在 Linux 之类系统下采用 dd 写出试一试(即避免可写挂载)。

据我所知,目前 Haiku 的启动器默认启动次序存在问题,即使你回写后再次启动,在不拔 U 盘的情况下,可能需要更改启动盘(机器启动时按空格键)。

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Please stop.

As it’s already been said, dd is a low level command, to be used only by those who know what they are doing, and by the questions you pose, you don’t.

For starters, you’ve already been told that dd does not know and does not have to know or support filesystems. It just copies data. You’ve already been told that if you use it on a live partition, you’l very probably get corrupted data, as you’ll copy parts that change while you are copying them.

Then you are limiting what you are copying. If you knew what you are doing (or just read a bit about dd), you’d know you are just copying the first 2GB of the partition with that command, so that’s what you get when you copy it back.

Even if you learnt about dd, which you don’t seem to want to, and started using it correctly, just handling the images to other “layman users” and telling them to run a command without knowing their exact disk setup is, to put it lightly, dangerous. Long explanation about the dangers unneeded if you do your homework, and useless if you don’t.

So, if you want to help other people to install and configure Haiku for their needs, try something else. Do those installations yourself. Write detailed instructions with screenshots. Write a setup script. Or probably the best one: use Installer to copy an installed-as-you-like-it system to install media.


The answer is yes. dd copies the data byte by byte and does not care what the filesystem is. Several people use this often to copy their generated Haiku image to a partition and boot it.

There is a problem with what you did, but the problem is elsewhere, not in an incompatibility between dd and BFS.

We are currently in beta phase. There are many things we need to fix before we can do a stable release. This is one of them. We will fix it someday. Until then, Haiku is a bit more complicated than we want it to be.

This does not invalidate our vision, it just means we have not reached our goal yet. Please have a little patience. This is a very big project and it takes time.