Installing Haiku on my modern laptop

Hello everyone,

I installed Haiku on a 10 year old PC of mine and it works perfectly. I also want to install Haiku on my modern laptop computer, but I have heard that Haiku uses FreeBSD drivers. My laptop has the Realtek RTL8821CE wireless networking card, which is not supported by FreeBSD. On my laptop, I complete the majority of my tasks on the internet and it would almost be useless if I couldn’t connect to the worldwide web. Is there something I can do?


Supported WiFi dongles or a replacement WiFi card would be the easiest route.

That’s unfortunate. I will get a WiFi dongle, as they aren’t expensive.

replacement WiFi cards aren’t expensive too, but it might be double or quits, as laptops can have white lists.

My laptop actually needs some work to be put apart. WiFi dongles are also removable.