Installation program

I saw that job is being done on the installer. Seems to be a rework of the one used to install the DevEd. While this little program does nicely its job when it comes to partitioning / initializing / installing the OS, I think it could be easily improved to configure the OS before the final reboot (instead of opening all configuration programs like DevEd does).

Currently, Haiku store all modifications to RAM (although its more a missing feature than a good one right now !)., which is good for a liveCD use. So I was thinking that we could proceed the following way:
the computer is booted using the LiveCD. When Haiku is fully loaded, configuration programs are launched, storing modifications to RAM. The user can then play with Haiku, and if the experience pleases him, he will use the installer to get Haiku already configured. Haiku/BeOS being such an “extraordinary” OS, implementing such e feature in the future should no be an overwhelming task, and would give the user a real good feeling of “it just work straight away” (providing the correct drivers are available)!

Of course, this is not the priority right now, but what do you think about this suggestion?

Edit : Oops, that post should be in the "suggestion box" forum. Sorry bout that.

Yann64 wrote:
Edit : Oops, that post should be in the "suggestion box" forum. Sorry bout that.

no problem, moved it for you :slight_smile:

Are you saying that a person could use it as LiveCD, set it up according to user preference (background, deskbar position, resolution, etc) then when installing to disk, have those preferences carry over?

Seems like a small thing, but I could really go for that.

I thought along similar(ish) lines in another post.

In a nutshell, as I did waffle a bit, you would have the LiveCD process, but your settings would be imported from whatever host OS you were running at on the machine at the time. This would probably be things like: internet settings, email settings, bookmarks, screen resolution, basically as much of how you prefer to run your prior OS as Haiku can interpret.

To be able to remember all that, and then install would be the icing on the cake! :slight_smile:

togs_01 wrote:
Are you saying that a person could use it as LiveCD, set it up according to user preference (background, deskbar position, resolution, etc) then when installing to disk, have those preferences carry over?

Seems like a small thing, but I could really go for that.

Yes, and also network connections settings, exactly like the Ubuntu LiveCD!

expensivelesbian wrote:
I thought along similar(ish) lines in another post.

In a nutshell, as I did waffle a bit, you would have the LiveCD process, but your settings would be imported from whatever host OS you were running at on the machine at the time. This would probably be things like: internet settings, email settings, bookmarks, screen resolution, basically as much of how you prefer to run your prior OS as Haiku can interpret.

To be able to remember all that, and then install would be the icing on the cake!

Well, that will be much more difficult (although not impossible) to proceed this way. The way I see it, support for windows configurations import would be a nice thing.

But supporting other OS will become difficult and time cosuming when it come to Linux, BSD, as the quantity of mail clients, desktop settings will be a nightmare to take into account.

And what about all "geeks" OS (Syllabe, OpenSolaris, etc…)?

To me, creating this feature supporting only windows is enough and already a lot :slight_smile:

The only other OS supported would of course be BeOS :slight_smile:

What do you think?

Having a live CD that grabs the current OS’s settings and apply to the live Haiku session would be very cool, and having those settings applied if the user wishes to install Haiku would be even cooler.

a lot of people who are most likely to try a new OS may be linux users

I call pipedream…

We can’t even read ext3fs, let alone translate xorg.conf into something meaningful for app_server.

We could certainly extract some configuration settings, not all would be applicable… but some could be applied. As for the file system, all we need there is the drivers.

Definitely not a pipe dream.

kind of related to installation, Canonical are working on a method to install Ubuntu from Windows. Anything that makes it easier to switch is a good thing, surely?

expensivelesbian wrote:
kind of related to installation, Canonical are working on a method to install Ubuntu from Windows. Anything that makes it easier to switch is a good thing, surely?

Windows-based Ubuntu Installer Development Thread (merged parts 1 and 2)

At least it gives us something to work from for our Windows-based installer, yeah ?