Install stall on Dell Precision 390

Hi everyone, I got a second hand Dell Precision 390 with two SATA 150gb drives. The Haiku install goes as far as the drive icon and stale with a kernel message.

Before I delve too deep in it, anyone ever installed Haiku on a 390?

Thanks, Nick

Are you using a very recent nightly like from the past couple of days? If not, try that out.

Haiku Alpha 3 release should happen in 1 or 2 weeks. Recent nightly release is pretty close to A3.

If nightly does not work then this might be affecting you.

Hopefully it can get merged into next Alpha or Beta release. I don’t think it will make it into A3.

.Also can you snap a picture of the KDL screen

Thanks guys, I will wait for A3 and in the meantime use the nightly source in case.

Here is the picture I snapped:

Thanks for any suggestions.


[quote=33Nick]Thanks guys, I will wait for A3 and in the meantime use the nightly source in case.

Here is the picture I snapped:

Thanks for any suggestions.


Try disabling Hyperthreading in the bios. I have similar errors with p4’s with hyperthreading. If that works, Create a ticket in trac.

Here is the picture I snapped:

Thanks for any suggestions.


That is hard bug to fix because the debug info is very general. Picture is cut off but I think it said “did not find any boot partitions.”

Similar bugs reported in these tickets:

Try newer nightly. Try safe-mode options - hold down shift key while booting Haiku. Enable all safe-mode options to start with.

If those do not work, then trying that newer mbr.bin (in my previous post) may work for you. Make sure you understand how dd works because it’ll change the mbr. Best left for usb key unless you’re good with Linux.

Recent nightly & Alpha 3 will be fairly close so not likely to fix the issue for you.

Thanks Tonestone57,

Yeah, sorry about the pic, the screen cuts off where I need it most. If I go all safe mode enabled, I can get a fuller pict. This 390 has not hyperthreading, so I can rule this out. I tried all the safe mode options and it led me to the same stall.

I’ll look into trying a newer mbr.bin. I’m not worried about wiping out the Windows partitions, I really don’t need it. Not sure what dd is, but will try to figure it out. I tried booting it off a usb thumbdrive but had no luck with it.

I haven’t update the Bios. Maybe that could do it. I also haven’t worked on a pc in a while and all I want to do is install Haiku in the second Win partition D:

Thanks for your input, Nick

dd writes a raw (or anyboot) image to drive or partition (or even to mbr). Read this to get an idea.
Be careful what you put for “of” - the write to location. dd does not work with ISOs or Virtual Machine images.

BIOS update may help but not likely. Still worth trying. The mbr.bin is more likely to work but I have not tested it.

Since you’ve already tried:

  1. one of the newer nightly images - similar to A3
  2. all the safe-mode options

and those did not work

You are now left with

  1. BIOS upgrade - make sure you can do this right or your board will become toast. I boot off a MSDOS CD and have the firmware on a FAT32 partition.
  2. trying out mbr.bin (using dd)

That bug is hard to troubleshoot to fix. I think the different mbr may fix it but up to you to test that out. Later,

Maybe try mbr.bin before the BIOS upgrade since less risky option.

[quote=33Nick]Thanks Tonestone57,

Yeah, sorry about the pic, the screen cuts off where I need it most. If I go all safe mode enabled, I can get a fuller pict. This 390 has not hyperthreading, so I can rule this out. I tried all the safe mode options and it led me to the same stall.

I’ll look into trying a newer mbr.bin. I’m not worried about wiping out the Windows partitions, I really don’t need it. Not sure what dd is, but will try to figure it out. I tried booting it off a usb thumbdrive but had no luck with it.

I haven’t update the Bios. Maybe that could do it. I also haven’t worked on a pc in a while and all I want to do is install Haiku in the second Win partition D:

Thanks for your input, Nick[/quote]

Which cpu is in this machine ?

Sorry it’s taken me so long. I was away.

It’s a 1.86 Intel core 2, obviously 64bit.

It’s even having a hard time loading Linux. Maybe I should install a different loading manager.

Thanks, Nick

Also, I can’t figure out how to install that mbr.bin file. Is it done via DOS, or Windows CMD? Thanks, Nick

Should work with Linux. If you are having trouble with Linux or Windows then maybe you are having a hardware issue. At very least you may want to run memtest86+ with 5 passes to make sure no memory errors.

A disk test would be good idea too.

Haiku’s mbr was changed to add in that very code. Very sure Alpha 3 includes it. Download and try running Alpha 3 to see if Haiku boots for you.

LOL, I think Macs made me retarded. The damn things always work, I forgot what it’s like tweaking your machine. Yeah, I’ll look at memtest86 and do a scan disk also. Thanks.

Downloading Alpha 3 and crossing my fingers…