I'm new here

Hello Devs,

I’m Vatsalya Vyas, a third-year computer science student from India. I recently explored Haiku 32-bit on a virtual machine and was captivated by its speed and old-school charm. Proficient in C/C++ and DSA, I’m eager to contribute to the Haiku community and am seeking guidance on joining and contributing.


See: EasyTasks – Haiku (haiku-os.org)


Welcome to the Haiku community!
For a start, you can join the Haiku and Haiku development mailing lists. Also hanging out in the IRC channel will help getting you aquainted with the community. As for development itself, apart from the already mentioned links to beginner tasks, you can familiarize yourself with the Haiku API by looking at the Haiku Book and the legacy Be Book. (since we´re not allowed to change the Be book the relevant information is spread between these two API references, you often need to check both). And there are the Haiku coding lessons by Darkwyrm, which is both a general C++ tutorial (which you can probably skip) and a Haiku API tutorial. You can find the links to all the stuff I just mentioned on the Haiku homepage under the “Development” section.
If you want to join development of the OS itself it´s probably a good idea to learn building Haiku from source, if you want to help out on application development there are some apps bundled with Haiku in the main repository, and there is HaikuArchives on GitHub with many Haiku and BeOS apps many of which also could need some developer attention :wink:


Thanks for the warm welcome! I’m looking forward to contributing to the community :blush: