I'd like to mirror the HDD image

I usually get my latest Haiku revision from Philipp Schmid’s site, but that appears to be down. Same with the mirrors listed on the Build Factory page.

I’d like to mirror the hard disk image. How can I do this?

j_freeman wrote:
I usually get my latest Haiku revision from Philipp Schmid's site, but that appears to be down. Same with the mirrors listed on the Build Factory page.

I’d like to mirror the hard disk image. How can I do this?

Since they are not official Haiku images, I suspect you’ll have to set that up with Philipp or Sikosis (who also provides images in his blog)…

umccullough wrote:
j_freeman wrote:
I usually get my latest Haiku revision from Philipp Schmid's site, but that appears to be down. Same with the mirrors listed on the Build Factory page.

I’d like to mirror the hard disk image. How can I do this?

Since they are not official Haiku images, I suspect you’ll have to set that up with Philipp or Sikosis (who also provides images in his blog)…

I was under the impression that the images were produced by the Build Factory, which–while doesn’t produce anything "official"–is Haiku-maintained, nonetheless.

I’ve already contacted Philipp in regards to mirroring his images, and I never got a response back.

j_freeman wrote:
umccullough wrote:
j_freeman wrote:
I usually get my latest Haiku revision from Philipp Schmid's site, but that appears to be down. Same with the mirrors listed on the Build Factory page.

I’d like to mirror the hard disk image. How can I do this?

Since they are not official Haiku images, I suspect you’ll have to set that up with Philipp or Sikosis (who also provides images in his blog)…

I was under the impression that the images were produced by the Build Factory, which–while doesn’t produce anything "official"–is Haiku-maintained, nonetheless.

I’ve already contacted Philipp in regards to mirroring his images, and I never got a response back.

I believe Philipp’s images are built by him - you can also set up a build environment similar to his and have it automatically build new releases every several hours - he would probably even be willing to send you his scripts…

I think that Sikosis maintains the build factory - and it does generate images…

You could set up your own script to download the Haiku build factory images every day and host the file… It appears there are already a couple mirrors set up.


I suggest contacting Sikosis via private message.

umccullough wrote:
I suggest contacting Sikosis via private message.

Sorry to be a bit off topic, but is a private message considered sent if it’s in the outbox, or does it have to be in the sentbox. If the latter then I’ve been having trouble using it.

Katisu wrote:
umccullough wrote:
I suggest contacting Sikosis via private message.

Sorry to be a bit off topic, but is a private message considered sent if it’s in the outbox, or does it have to be in the sentbox. If the latter then I’ve been having trouble using it.

I could be completely wrong, but I think the message doesn’t appear in the Sentbox until the person has read it. It’s not like Outlook’s "waiting to be sent" Outbox, but rather a "waiting to be opened/received" Outbox. Could be wrong though, I’m not a phpBB user.

umccullough wrote:
j_freeman wrote:
umccullough wrote:
j_freeman wrote:
I usually get my latest Haiku revision from Philipp Schmid's site, but that appears to be down. Same with the mirrors listed on the Build Factory page.

I’d like to mirror the hard disk image. How can I do this?

Since they are not official Haiku images, I suspect you’ll have to set that up with Philipp or Sikosis (who also provides images in his blog)…

I was under the impression that the images were produced by the Build Factory, which–while doesn’t produce anything "official"–is Haiku-maintained, nonetheless.

I’ve already contacted Philipp in regards to mirroring his images, and I never got a response back.

I believe Philipp’s images are built by him - you can also set up a build environment similar to his and have it automatically build new releases every several hours - he would probably even be willing to send you his scripts…

I think that Sikosis maintains the build factory - and it does generate images…

You could set up your own script to download the Haiku build factory images every day and host the file… It appears there are already a couple mirrors set up.


I suggest contacting Sikosis via private message.

I’ve been flirting with the idea of setting up a build machine, and I think I’ve decided to go ahead with that. Anyway, thanks for clearing things up man. :slight_smile:

j_freeman wrote:
I've been flirting with the idea of setting up a build machine, and I think I've decided to go ahead with that. Anyway, thanks for clearing things up man. :)

I have been thinking of that too…i’m on a slow connection (144kbps) and was thinking how nice it would be if I had an automated process to sync to the latest revision every night and automatically build for me - then I could test the latest build whenever I had some time to spare without either syncing and building it myself or waiting for it to download…

My problem is that I need to set up a machine to dedicate to this task, preferrably with a flavor of linux

I’ll probably install linux on my spare PIII600 for this purpose (and probably a few others) very soon…


I have the preliminary stuff setup. Every hour, the server checks for updates on Philipp Schmid’s site, grabbing new images as they become available. And as soon as Sikosis receives the FTP details I sent him, the Build Factory’s image will also be mirrored.

And once I get my build machine setup, I’ll also be mirroring hourly builds from that as well.

Let me know if anyone has any suggestions, etc.

j_freeman wrote:

I have the preliminary stuff setup. Every hour, the server checks for updates on Philipp Schmid’s site, grabbing new images as they become available. And as soon as Sikosis receives the FTP details I sent him, the Build Factory’s image will also be mirrored.

And once I get my build machine setup, I’ll also be mirroring hourly builds from that as well.

Let me know if anyone has any suggestions, etc.

Cool! I’ll check it out when I get a chance.

One thing that would probably be helpful is a quick link to a sample .vmx file - i find many people are continually struggling with that part of using the VMWare image.

umccullough wrote:
Cool! I'll check it out when I get a chance.

One thing that would probably be helpful is a quick link to a sample .vmx file - i find many people are continually struggling with that part of using the VMWare image.

D’oh! I knew I forgot something…

BTW, when you get around to setting up a build machine, let me know as I’m in the middle of setting one up (and either you’ll be able to help me or vice versa). :slight_smile:

j_freeman wrote:
umccullough wrote:
Cool! I'll check it out when I get a chance.

One thing that would probably be helpful is a quick link to a sample .vmx file - i find many people are continually struggling with that part of using the VMWare image.

D’oh! I knew I forgot something…

BTW, when you get around to setting up a build machine, let me know as I’m in the middle of setting one up (and either you’ll be able to help me or vice versa). :slight_smile:

I assume you’re doing all this with a Linux box - what distro?

Yup, Fedora Core 4.

I dont want to use any buzzwords (like ***casting), but maybe you could provide an RSS for the files?
Each time there is a new build, the feed is updated, and everyone subscribed would receive them without worry 8)

On another thought, possibly torrenting the files aswell would reduce your load, but I think that would be a bit more complicated to setup automagically.

Just some ideas.

[Beta wrote:
"]I dont want to use any buzzwords (like ***casting), but maybe you could provide an RSS for the files? Each time there is a new build, the feed is updated, and everyone subscribed would receive them without worry 8)

On another thought, possibly torrenting the files aswell would reduce your load, but I think that would be a bit more complicated to setup automagically.

Just some ideas.

I’ve planned from the start to make it easy for people to mirror (or subscribe to) the files I mirror (using RSS or something), but I haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’m also going to provide SHA1 and MD5 checksums for every image mirrored.

As for torrenting the files, I might do this when traffic grows, but for now the site is simply a "host" for Haiku builds. :slight_smile:

Good suggestions though, keep 'em coming!