ICU in Haiku

User may choose what languages are needed and reduce distro/RAM usage size. Also I suspect that many parts of ICU data are currently not referenced from Haiku code at all.

But we don’t know if those parts are required by (future) apps inside the depot.

What might work is splitting up the ICU package into a few smaller packages so data for unneeded languages doesn’t have to be installed by default, but can be installed after the fact if something needs it. Not sure if it’s really worth the effort, though.

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I criticized a library specifically … that is WIDELY known to be bloated. And even explained WHY it is bloated. And compared it to the alternatives, ICU could DEFINITELY be replaced by about 1-2MB of libraries vs the 30MB it hogs.

I’m not even going to give response to the rest of what you said. Go touch grass.

Your response in this instance is in my view inappropriate.

You’ve not provided any alternatives to ICU or done any discussions on it, the response here is just overly negative and does not help. Engaging constructively would be great, for instance identifying parts haiku does use ICU for, and seeing what other libraries or homegrown could could replace it, and if ICU is even bloated there in the first place.

Based on total install size i’d argue fonts consume way more “bloat” currently than this one library.

I’m all for cutting out useless/“bloated” data needed to be loaded into RAM, or shipped on CD’s, downloaded from servers etc. But unless you engage constructively there it is just perceived as “I hate this lib!” and nothing more.

Perhaps engageing in the two points pulkomandy mentioned would be a better start.

Begasus for example is working hard to cut down the ICU versions to one for haikuports. It would be nice if somebody could investigate the gcc2 problem.

Or maybe write an extension for clang so it can produce gcc2 equivalent name mangling and we can drop it alltogether and just use one compiler. : )


Interesting idea, create an extension that generates binary compatibility with Beos in clang :slight_smile:

It is necessary to examine what is essential for gcc2 to add the extension.

I think that’s a bit of a dream. The reason the gcc2 mangling was abandoned and replaced is that it didn’t work: some different C++ constructs would end up generating the same symbol name and clashing with each other. Also, there’s probably a bit more to it than the mangling (things like exceptions, etc).

So, something like this may work, somewhat, with limitations, and it will be a lot of work. All of that just to run some 20 years old BeOS applications. I’m not sure it’s worth the effort. (well, it’s not worth my efforts, but if someone thinks otherwise, feel free to have a try).

Yes, that is a problem now too. I expect this would only work with some compiler specific instructions telling it how to mangle stuff. In essence we would have to explicitly define which calls need beos compatibility and how that looks. perhaps this is too difficult, I don’t know.

To me the current situation of having to use two compilers does not make stuff easier there. Personally I don’t use and have not used any BeOS applications, if there was a 32bit compatibility layer on 64bit i might. But not like this. Anyway, I am seeing this is again too offtopic. so I am splitting this.

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I heard that ICU has an option to store data in separate non-executable files instead of shared libraries (it use mmap I suppose). What is a problem to use that?


Yes, it is possible to generate a .dat file separate from the executable:

It is possible to use these llvm-gcc and PDFs projects as references, links:

ICU documentation says it may not work if you use the same data for different versions of ICU. Not that they intentionally prevent it, but they don’t test that case.

Since we are using a much older version to build with gcc2, and a recent one with gcc13, we may hit such a problem. But we won’t know for sure until someone tries it, maybe it will work just fine.


A rational compromise

@X512 and @nephele

dotnet guys, are using .dat files to reduce the size of executables and reduce memory consumption:

Links to consult:

Using .dat files will reduce the size of Haiku executables and memory consumption.


Then do so yourself instead of just amping up the drama. And yes other alternatives HAVE been mentioned in this thread, I saw no need to steal anyone else’s thunder.

I’ll skip over the “widely” part because Google doesn’t seem to know no such thing.
No, you did not explain why, because the reasons you gave are not true or based on wrong assumptions.

ICU coding guidelines:

ICU is internationalization library and it always was.

People who need to implement internationalization do, and operating systems especially need those.

If you have an app developer that needs to handle UTF-8 conversions and chooses ICU to do that, then I’d argue it’s not an issue with the library being bloated.


Google can barely tell the difference between ICU c++ library and intensive care unit books these days… the worsening of google search is also a well known fact.

No it is not. I’ve not used google in years and have no idea what its quality is. Maybe your well known facts are not as well known as you think?

And really, it is completely irrelevant whether you think it is well-known or not, what matters if your discussion partner knows, if he doesn’t it wouldn’t hurt you to actually talk about it instead of assuming they must knew when they clearly don’t.

They your reliance on google search in your comment is just about as far off as my STL usage in ICU then isn’t it… see I can handle a bit of self deprecation lol.

if what I know or not is so important, perhaps actually having discussions rather than flame wars would actually happen. That would actually be beneficial you know…

My comment? I’m not KapiX

If you complain about something at-least provide evidence, that would be the part of what you know or do not, and might provide an actuall discussion.

I was replying to you I’m not sure why you think I wasn’t.

Yes worsening of google really is a thing… Dozens at least hundreds of news articles about it in that search ironically. They inject a ton of irrelevant “content” results into every search now and often you’ll only get keyword results rather than results for a specific query lie you used to be able to get easily.

Anyway this has gotten a bit off topic…as there were quite a few interesting replies above.