Iceweasel: Telemetry acceptible for Firefox trademarks?

No I didn’t notice. Thank yor for feedback.

glean is the telemetry thing. we didn’t port that feature because underlying library has no support for Haiku yet. I thought it is disabled for that reason.

It is necessary to port this before we call our build Firefox, but not high priorty yet.


I’d rather not have telemetry. The Firefox name and icon are not that important.


+1 for not porting the spyware crap,calling it Iceweasel is perfectly fine.


+1 for not porting the spyware crap,calling it Iceweasel is perfectly fine.


+1 for not porting the spyware crap,calling it Iceweasel is perfectly fine.


+1 for not porting the spyware crap,calling it Iceweasel is perfectly fine.


+1 for not porting the spyware crap,calling it Iceweasel is perfectly fine.


Or port it and have both Iceweasel and Firefox. Firefox on Haiku will give us more attention I think.


+1 for leaving the abusive spyware garbage out of Haiku ecosystem. No privacy violating software should touch HaikuPorts repository. Keep it “Iceweasel”.


Has anyone crafted an Iceweasel app icon yet?

…As it turns out, the weasel is drawn incorrectly here — it should have a short tail!

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I agree with both, actually. If @KENZ (or someone) wants to create a true, branded FF version, fine, but put it on an external website. The FF HPKG can just be a script that opens that site, with disclaimers.

I suppose that official Haiku Firefox should be downloaded from Mozilla web size.


Don’t see why. If we have the iceweasel package available, in haikuports, we should not add advertisements that you can get a different version somewhere else into haikuports.

Yes, good point.


I’d like to see Firefox by name since name recognition matters in an area sorely lacking (Haiku browsers). However, I also respect the folks that would rather run Iceweasel without the telemetry.

So… lets just do both. We can theoretically have the best of both worlds from the same codebase.

We work on up-streaming our work, and offer both Iceweasel (minus telemetry, etc) and Firefox in the repos.

I appreciate the Punk anti-consumerism, but we also need to play nice with other organizations. We need growth in desktop share, we need the brand recognition, and we NEED a stable “big boy” web browser.


Why do you think we need to play nice with organizations that abuse their users and make them the product they sell to advertisers?
Haiku is 100% funded by developers and users who believe in the vision of a better desktop operating system,and it’s 100% independent from the ad tech industry and surveillance capitalism.
We have no reason to kiss their ass,and I personally don’t think we should.
I couldn’t care less about brands.
When I go shopping,I specifically avoid overpriced brands and always go for the cheaper but same quality “Ja!” stuff.
What we need is a browser that works great and does the things everybody needs,but not some name that was somewhat big in the past but has gone the wrong route.
If Mozilla thinks Haiku is relevant,they may offer their spyware garbage on their own website using their own infrastructure that they pay for,but I agree with @cafeina that HaikuPorts should be a safe place where only privacy-friendly software is allowed.


Having firefox somewhere, sure. But having it in haikuports with telemetry? I really hope we don’t have to stoop so low.

If I have to start eyeing haikuports with suspicion of shipping tracking/adware or other nonsense my main reason for using Haiku is basically gone.
I contribute because I want it to work properly for me, And I can wholeheartedly recomend it to friends and family without having to worry.

If firefox allows the sans telemetry port to use the branding, then sure whatever.

I don’t care about growth in an imaginary share (we have 0%, since that is measured in sales…), driving up engagement or whatever.

I care about preventing e-waste. I care about not having my time wasted by my computer, and I have no patience for software that works against me (even if it is open source)


I am OK having both of them, but who will work on to keep divergence?

I can provide some info to revert telemetry things newly implemented, but I don’t want to keep maintaining patch set nor keep releasing two binaries every time (please keep in mind it is not trivial task that takes many hours).

If someone will step up on this task, I think he /she should work as existing privacy featured fork such as LibreWolf instead.

So realistically I am planning to upstream patches first to make porting those forked projects easier.


This is a fair sentiment. My conflict is we need to grow our userbase, we slowed down substantially through the last year or two which was a wake up call.

I daily-drive Haiku as a desktop as often as possible, but the needs of a modern fast browser always make me reboot into Linux for “boring work”. I love non-mainstream stuff like the Gemini protocol (random plug for gemini://, retro computing, Gopher, IPFS, mastodon, etc etc. Eventually though you gotta just “pay your taxes and check your email”

I think having at least one mainstream browser available will really help grow our userbase. (Even if it’s until y’all can talk them into installing Iceweasel :wink: )

People like namebrand things they’re familiar with. It’s why 95% of folks run Chrome, and like 5% run Chromium. (those aren’t real numbers, but you get the idea)

Once our Firefox port shows a strong userbase, then we push it out of our repositories onto Mozilla to build and manage. We gotta bootstrap the expectation / ecosystem.