I want to change to Haiku... and what i need

no … i strongly would recommend leaving DLLs there where they should be …on an old Win32 System.

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Haiku’s software catalog (the depot) offers most of the things needed so far, with Qt, GTK3, SDL … pretty much is around to create a new port for eventual missing applications that are around (open source).

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Re: something like photoshop, have you tried ArtPaint? It’s still a long way from photoshop, but it’s got a lot of potential and a couple of us are trying to improve it.


Would be great to see Refraction (formerly Inferno) get open sourced.

Yeah, it was a nice app. Actually, it has been discussed before here.
It’s not always worthy in terms of money as people often want to get a last revenue for it.
Even when they do it for free, it can take time to convince all people who wrote a piece of code. At the end, it isn’t worthy either in terms of effort when the soft is too old as it can take ages to bring the code up to date, to fix things, to make the few improvements necessary for nowadays use, etc.
But you never know; we have seen more crazy things happening around here.

No … i am actually still a Win32 user - just figuring out whether I can do just the same on Haiku, what i am already able to do on Win32 … on Win64 i am not able:))) … so … better to find a decision here.

I also just could stay on a Win32 PC … but for what i do i just need a Desktop PC and not a platform which is frequented by billions people around the world.

Artpaint is looking good enough for me

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If you want to create and sell your code, inside .DLLs, you can do the same thing in Haiku ( or linuxes ) , with .SO files.

But the rest depends on the software that uses your DLLs. If it is a special purpose software, that justifies having a dedicated machine for it, and the you control said software, then yes, you could port it to Haiku. If the DLLs are to be imported in other (commercial or not ) software, then it would depend if that software also exists in Haiku, and if the users of said software would agree to move to Haiku to keep using your DLLs.

But if the DLLs and software are for your own personal use, yes, you can port it to Haiku. There will be some learning curve, but not that big, and that would exist whichever other OS you chose. Every OS has its own particularities.

But install and try to use Haiku a little, having in mind its current limitations , then decide for yourself.

Also, generally there isn´t a "the best application for YY ". People prefer one or another, same as some prefer Adobe, others like Corel more. Borland x MS. Some people like the Jetbrains IDEs. Some not. Etc.

I actually prefer to find out what is the best solution for me… and Gambas is looking good for me
I hope a port for Gambas will be available soon … maybe somebody also can write something about this topic

thanks for #reply

Try “digicam” too for picture correction…

As you probably can think :)… it is more important for me, that i can program my own workflow to existing tools :slight_smile: … with C,C++, Fortran or whatever

Another possibility that I think you should look into, especially if you know C++ is Qt (Haiku supports versions 4, 5 and 6 thanks to the tireless efforts of @3dEyes and others).

Qt has a GUI Creator IDE and Qt Designer where you can drag and drop widgets/list views/buttons etc. onto a window similar to VB6.

Qt also has QML (a javascript language for declarative UI building that is quite easy to use and preview using Scene (qmlscene). etc.

Some links:


many thanks for reply … yes - i also was thinking about QT too.

But i am writing, why i am thinking it is not the right tool for me

  • I actually want to use a Desktopcomputer and not writing crossplatform applications

  • C++ is a good language for writing libs - but in my opinion too complicated for a GUI designer and producing alot codeoverhead, which can make a project quite confusing

  • why do you want to replace the Haiku GUI by something else ? … Ideal would be something like VB, which is capselling just the Haiku GUI, multilayering, a 2D vectorlib and OpenGL … so even Gambas probably is overweighted for Haiku - but i am quite sure, that i can use Gambas on Haiku also just for the Haiku API and the benchmarks for Gambas looking quite good.

  • YAB is state of the art VB3 - and just an interpreter

  • understanding a little bit more about the Haiku concept now, it is maybe better going back to Beos times to understand the best way for developing Haiku Apps

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Ok, then you should start porting gambas to Haiku

That is quite right in my opinion!
User need to guided through a process how to actually develop programs for Haiku!
Going back to BeOs times might help. Not sure about it though…

Getting productive is the way to go now!

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it was you who already was trying it ? - what compiler did you use ?

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No i have no expierience in C or C++, i am a yab developer. On Haiku Ports are patches for gambas, but nothing more:

haikuports/dev-lang/gambas/patches at master · haikuports/haikuports · GitHub

For visiual generating of playgrounds, you can use ourt Playground Editor (written in yab):


Could be python a language for you on Haiku? This book have example, running on Haiku:

Book tip - development python games - Off-Topic - Haiku Community (haiku-os.org)

There is also some work on golang

Rust is on HaikuDepot also. Its strict syntax helps you discover and avoid bugs. Most of the Haiku bindings are in the LibC crate. I’ve used it to start porting Wasmer to Haiku and it seems to be quite powerful, especially when cross developing or writing parallel processing apps.

Good day,

Nim is also on HaikuDepot, though last version 1.6.6 not yet available. It does build from source on Haiku which is also nice. Can connect, “sort of” directly, to C++ stuff to access the GUI API [haven’t done this yet to try how it works, so might not be that easy - things are never that easy :smile:].

Other option is Python and Qt. PyQt works quite well on Haiku. Though not native, the Qt port is really, really good, and creating software with Python and Qt is quite fast. Just need to be aware of the Python version and the PyQt version.

Options, there are quite a few. The biggest issue for me is that the GUI API is all C++ and only C++. Eventually I will find a way.
