Hugo Static Site Tool

Anyone get Hugo to work in Haiku (I have noticed that the official Haiku site is made by Hugo)? What are the major challenges or it really easy? I am looking at the "Installing Go" from source page and feeling quite daunted.

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I didn’t try Hugo, but at some point I was building two websites using Pelican (Python based) and was able to do it in Haiku, just by selecting tools that were available here.


Go is not currently supported well enough on Haiku for this to work. And yes, this is very annoying for maintenance of the website.

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I tried Hugo but do not like it… (It is too complicated… for me) and I feelt daunted as well…
For small projects I am still looking for alternatives, so I am trying “Hexo” right now which looks quite easy to use… Unfortunately you have to use a workaround to get the new web-pages rendered.

Victor is right, Pelican is an easy and stable alternative on Haiku.


ah ok I will try to find out by myself… thx…

…will pip work:
Install Pelican on Python 2.7.x or Python 3.5+ ?
“pip install pelican[Markdown]”

I’m sorry, my installation is some time ago and I think it was Python 2.7.

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No problem I will read the docs then…
I think pip will not work in Haiku right now…

Victor, would you please tell me the first steps to install Pelican?
do I need to install virtualenv before isntalling Pelican?

does PIP work for:
pip install -e “git+”

…Hexo is very well documented (by you-tube video) and so easy to follow and understand…
I like to have a Website showing correct in Web+ with some videos…
Most Hexo templates do not work with Web+…

Somehow I managed it and it wasn’t very complicated, although I really had no idea about python :wink:

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Jekyll works well on Haiku, it uses Ruby, which works nicely on Haiku.
Instal lis as easy as

gem install --user-install jekyll

I was aiming at a cross-platform (iOS, macOS, Windows, Linux, Haiku) workflow, which would let me change OS and hardware anytime I wanted. So, for Haiku, I had to check which packages would install correctly with pip. Regarding those which didn’t, I had to install them using pkgman. I ended up writing a separate requirements txt file for pip on Haiku, and a shell script to call pkgman. I have made them open source here:

The two files that matter are requirements_for_haiku_pip.txt (pip install -r requirements_for_haiku_pip.txt) and

I am not sure it it’s still working on Haiku (there could be some change on available packages, for instance), as I am currently using iPhone (with Pythonista) and macOS to build the website.

In case you’re interested, you can read a bit more on how I did the initial setup in order to work also from iPhone:

The strict requirements I had on iOS/Pythonista paved the way to be able to make it work also on Haiku.

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There is a pip_python3 package on Haiku Depot. The script I wrote (which by the way must be run first) includes python3 and pip_python3 installation.

Hello Victor, that sounds great, so I will start to read your blog, install your script and work ahead with python 3 first…
Looks like I need to learn alot…

Does Web+ display the finished websites correct (images, videos)?

Thanks alot. I will try to read about that too…
So I can use Git as host for my webpages? Not only for version control?! Nice!

My webpage made under Haiku with Jekyll, serving looks good in WebPositive.

WebPositive seems to lack some features which can cause some stuff not to display properly. The web stack is always changing, so it’s like a moving target. At first, it’s a bit of trial and error to get things right. For instance, this forum in WebPositive does not display all icons. But you have QupZilla and OtterBrowser as alternatives. Some Pages display better in those two browsers.

I am not sure about videos, but I know I had YouTube working on Haiku on my Mac, a few days ago. So, some kind of video is possible, But I confess I don’t know which browser I was using. I just try WebPositive and if it does not work I switch to QupZilla.