HTML5 and WebPositive

I just read that Google has released a new HTML5 video format totally free to use.
Some browsers already support it.

These can view YouTube without the Flash plugin, in HTML5 mode.

When will this benefit us Haiku users?

I’m curious about this as well. At this point there doesn’t seem to be much point in spending time on Flash. With HTML5 and WebM, 90% of my Flash needs will be gone!

We need WebM container support and libvpx (vp8) support first in mediakit.
Then we need mediakit integration in web+. I also think it is a important multimedia feature.

WebM is just the matroska container + vp8 … so probably only vp8 support needs to be added which would probably be accomplished by applying the VP8 patches Google supplied to Haiku’s ffmpeg.

I suppose Web+ will just use the mediakit to render any supported formats…

Certainly… we will need to double down on HTML5 support. I know WebKit already has some of this built in, but we may need to do some custom-tailoring in order for HTML5 to be a resounding success. Adobe Flash really is out of the question at this point and Gnash is horrible for anything beyond simple flash demos. If we want Haiku to be the OS of the future, this is key.


EDIT: FFMpeg 0.6 just came out and it has full support for VP8. I suggest someone get that ported over to Haiku MediaKit.

I hope that html5 support will be added soon to Web+. Youtube is important, the site does actually contain many great videoclips and even though 95% of the vids are pure crap the remaining 5% are still a huge amount of useful information about a lot of subjects. Youtube has matured in the last few years and I use the site everyday to learn something new, and I really can’t imagine being without it.

[quote=nonne]I hope that html5 support will be added soon to Web+. Youtube is important, the site does actually contain many great videoclips and even though 95% of the vids are pure crap the remaining 5% are still a huge amount of useful information about a lot of subjects. Youtube has matured in the last few years and I use the site everyday to learn something new, and I really can’t imagine being without it.[/quote]


GNASH 0.8.8 claims high compatibility with youtube, and 0.8.7 is much less bloated.


oddly, it seems yet again that we find ourselves in dependency hell. both gnash and xvideoservice-theif complain about missing libraries.

Did you read the information on the page for xvideoservicethief ? It requires QT 4.7 or greater and it even has a link to where to get the QT librarys. If prefer I could repack it into a fat bundle, I haven’t had time to fix the other issue with the setting directory just yet.

Gnash is currently broken, I wouldn;t bother trying to use it.

XvideoService-Theif works now. the QT libs did the trick. one thing i did notice is that its a good idea to convert the videos to something your particular system likes. this Haiku works best with Mpeg-4 and prefers a video frame rate of 29.97. probably due to the video cards limitations i suspect.