Hrev Number Beta 4?

which hrev number can i use for beta 4?

Here you are …


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Thank you @KitsunePrefecture

Note the +70 is very important; there’s a lot more in beta4 than in a regular old hrev56578.

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yepp, I understood earlier that you merge other updates into beta – creating a branch called its name – e.g. r1beta4 – at every public Beta ( and earlier Alpha ) version.

It was visually understandable when I clicked on Summary tab on Gerrit and then I saw branches those were “forked” to a ‘freezed’ state of continous development which can be longer followed by curious and brave people in Nightlies.
After I clicked on branch r1beta4 and then I saw a last patch of Adrien (Pulkomandy) which had no hrev number - then I used -next- at the bottom to see previous committed patches and I saw finally the hrev56578 which is about the change to r1beta4 and Pre - Beta5 change (and possibly some ‘freeze’).

So in absolut meaning the last patch and its hrev number is

BControl: fix big-endian bitmap handling for control icons hrev56780

however 56578 + 70 – if it would be added linearly – hrev56648 …
So this way after freeze you add commited developments by selection which patches are meaningful for supported Haiku versions :

¤ enhance stability,
¤ fix KDLs/ bugs in installed SW or OS services/ applets,
¤ gives better underlying support for important features - like compatibility layers, ramfs stuff those added recently …

This way you display always as official hrev number - the last commit - where you freezed the state.

And of course I know as well - as I installed myself from commandline –
new Haiku version as a package
hrev56578 from hrev56578 +59 to hrev56578 +70 in last March

This way you continously select and add new patches which can be applied safely to Beta4 actually.

Earlier then I answered so to @lelldorin that way, as his question was about hrev number of Beta4.
That is 56578 … however he may now know that in term absolute – but there are other - far later - selected patches added continously. With latest upgrade - if he installed it - the latest is hrev56780

That was the one and only UPGRADE among many other SW UPDATES - as that required to reboot Haiku to activate it ! ;-))

Still I do not know is there a plan to have a regular Haiku command
to list such patches from actual branch which installed, so we could get a list frrom commandline.
I assume some git command would display it – I do not develop anything so I just assume that… also do not know other dependencies if it is there anything else.
It could work from a bash script if someone installs git as well - I do not know.

Of course - on Gerrit - everyone can see it : selecting actual branch and its logs.

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Anybody knows what “hrev” stands for?

well, I am not officially ‘know’

but for some basic instinct and reasoning says for me … simply it should be

Haiku revision :slight_smile:


Yes, that’s it.

There is a similar “btrev” number for the buildtools.

This was set up when we switched from SVN to Git, because SVN provides a “revision number” automatically, but Git didn’t at the time.