How watch a video on gnome web

how can i watch a video on
gnome web
if this message appears?
No compatible source was found for this media. (4)

videos on other sites play well

Maybe they use a video codec that isn’t supported or maybe it’s DRM-protected, which Haiku doesn’t support at all.
Unfortunately your link results in Error 404 here (Geoblocking maybe?) so I can’t check the details.
In any case,there’s probably not much you can do except trying one of the other available browsers or using another streaming website.

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No go in Falkon too. (404)

I had a similar issue when trying to watch F1 race on f1tv. No browser on Haiku could play it, giving the same error. It was indeed a DRM issue because when I tried on Firefox on Linux it downloaded a DRM extension and streamed without issue.

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Exactly, it opens on fedora Linux with Firefox, but not on GhostBSD with Firefox ,
Neither gnu web nor Falcon opens it on Haiku,
It must be a DRM issue

2 posts were split to a new topic: DRM in haiku