How to install VLC 0.86d


How can I get VLC to install and run in Haiku? I downloaded the zip file from the OptionalPackages repository and extracted it to root. Unfortunately, I do not see a launchable app file in the newly created vlc directory. Am I supposed to compile vlc? Thanks!


Should actually be extracted in /boot/apps, but it does not matter. The folder should have “VLC media player”. This is the executable app.

If this is missing then there is something wrong with the zip file.

Did you get the file from ?

I did… but I double clicked on the file and it said Tracker couldn’t open it. How am I supposed to launch it?


Maybe you need to restart computer :slight_smile:
I extract it in new folder on desktop and click on “vlc” and it started normally.

But, on home page it say VLC 0.86c not d.

Oh really? The file in question says “VLC Media Player” but I click on it and I get an error saying Tracker doesn’t recognize the file. Where did you download your copy of VLC?


Try launching it from a terminal… that should display the actual error preventing you from launching it.

I have a funny feeling you’re using a gcc4 version of Haiku though.

Oh crap… is that going to be a problem? I am using the Alpha 1 build I got in the mail from CafePress. I thought Haiku was a hybrid GCC2/GCC4 environment? I’m confused. :confused:


R1/Alpha 1 should be a gcc2 system with additional gcc4 libraries.

It should be able to run vlc just fine, but I haven’t tested it personally.

If I get a chance, I’ll take a look myself tonight.

Many thanks umccullough! Let me know how you did it.


Seems to work fine here…

I went to

I downloaded to my Desktop

I then opened the file (with expander) and changed the destination folder to /boot/apps before clicking Expand.

Afterward, I went to /boot/apps/vlc-0.8.6d where it was expanded and double-clicked on “VLC media player” and it started right up.

I didn’t try playing anything since I didn’t have any media files handy, but that’s enough for me to be convinced it works.

Hey… It worked perfectly! Thanks! Now all I need to do is get my audio fixed and then I’ll be all set.
