How to install Haiku to USB Flash Drive from Windows

[quote=bixzricard][quote=michaelvoliveira]THANKS VADIM!!

Your solution help me a lot!!!


In the boot, I was surprised by the follow message:

PANIC: could not mount boot device!

Welcome to Kernel Debugging Land…
Thread 12 “main2” running on CPU 0


My motherboard is a M2N-MX SE

any suggestion?

When in the Kernel Debugging Land, could you enter “sc”?

Also while haiku is just starting to boot, you can press the space bar where you can enable on screen logging, so you can see more info on what is happening.[/quote]

Well, I hit space bar and select the haiku volume, choose Safe mode, but the panic continues.

I enter with sc command, then:

stack trace for thread 12 "main2"					
	kernel stack: 0x8018e000 to 0x80192000				
frame		caller	<image>	: function + offset	

0 80191978 (+48) 80061819 <kernel_x86> invoke_debugger_command() + 0x00e1
1 801919a8 (+48) 80061972 <kernel_x86> _ZL19invoke_pipe_segmentP21debugger_command_pipePC() + 0x0083
2 801919d8 (+32) 80061a3a <kernel_x86> invoke_debugger_command_pipe() + 0x008b
3 801919f8 (+128) 8006591b <kernel_x86> _ZN16ExpressionParser17_ParseCommandPipeERi() + 0x0aa3
4 80191a78 (+48) 800680bb <kernel_x86> _ZN16ExpressionParser15EvaluateCommandEPKCRi() + 0x06d5
5 80191aa8 (+192) 80068234 <kernel_x86> evaluate_debug_command() + 0x0084
6 80191b68 (+96) 800608b8 <kernel_x86> kernel_debugger() + 0x02be
7 80191bc8 (+160) 80060a4a <kernel_x86> panic() + 0x002a
8 80191c68 (+816) 800a1c85 <kernel_x86> vfs_mount_boot_file_system() + 0x02be
9 80191f98 (+64) 80043d2d <kernel_x86> _ZL5main2Pv() + 0x0087
10 80191fd8 (+32) 800568c4 <kernel_x86> _ZL28_create_kernel_thread_kentryv() + 0x0015
11 80191ff8 (+2145837064) 8005aef0 <kernel_x86> _ZL19thread_kthread_exitv() + 0x0000

Some suggestion?

This is ticket 2620

You can see the stack trace(sc) is the same as yours.

You can see the underlying problem here in ticket 5.


It’s sad…

Four years already

Have you looked for any USB legacy settings in your BIOS?

I have the same problem for my haiku testing PC. But I can use haiku as I have set “USB1.0+2.0” mode to “USB1.0” mode in BIOS.

Yes. I do.

My USB stick is 1.0

I set enable USB 1.1 and USB Legacy
and unabled USB 2.0.

Don’t have USB 1.0 Option only,

[quote=bixzricard]This is ticket 2620

You can see the stack trace(sc) is the same as yours.

You can see the underlying problem here in ticket 5.[/quote]

Uh… I suspect you’ll ALWAYS get that stack trace if it can’t find a mountable device…

Thus, the cause cannot be traced to a single bug…

The root cause is actually going to be seen in the syslog/serial debug.

Today I followed the instruction and Haiku successfully booted from my Toshiba notebook (P205-S6337) with Core2Duo T5300, and Intel GMA950. I used 1GB CF card with a old sandisk multireader to write and boot Haiku image (r31262).

Haiku could detect correct screen resolution (1440x900) but I can feel some tiny blinking of the screen (may be driver problem). Entire system works very well, and it’s amazingly fast. Although it did not have sound (Realtek HD audio), the system was very usable.

“Although it did not have sound (Realtek HD audio), the system was very usable.”

It’s funny, because the driver already in repo.

Sound was not working…Is a driver for realtek hd audio included in the image, or should I download the driver?

Yes, the HDA drive is now included (it didn’t use to be, so if you haven’t tested in the last month or two, you might try again)

I believe you can check if it’s loaded with ls /dev/audio/hmulti

Check the media preferences to make sure the proper output is being used.

If it’s still not working, you can try installing the OpenSound optional package, but make sure to remove the hda driver if you choose to do this as they will both load and potentially cause crashing or conflicts.

Thank you for your advice! I will try what you told.

I got sound. Actually, Haiku was already supporting the realtek HD audio… It’s now working fine.

Thanks, Michael and Urias!

I wrote raw image as written in instruction to flash drive, but every time when I try to boot Haiku, I got blank screen and text “Failed to boot OS”.

writing the raw image to the USB key is not enough (your PC don’t know where to find the boot loader).

  1. Download the Haiku for vmware image.
  2. run it with vmware player (you may need to enable the USB support in the .VMX file)
  3. mount your usb key with "DriveSetup". it will appear as /Haiku1
  4. run : makebootable /haiku1
  5. reboot your PC on the USB key...

Could the author plse comment on this?

I have a question:

  1. Can this method be used to install Haiku to a non-USB (ie., IDE) HDD partition?

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