How to install Haiku into my physical hard drive?

If anyone gets around to this before I do, let us know. I’ll give it a shot, but I’m busy for a few days (son’s birthday party (Today), decorating for Christmas (Tomorrow), and whatnot (several days after)).

Ok, just copied all three files over to where they were in the Haiku /src directory (as directed), and Jam’d. BANG! It doesn’t work. Now Haiku won’t JAM right anymore. Hope I don’t have to download and reJAM everything from scratch… :frowning:

Ok, anyone have any idea what went wrong?

[quote=Luposian]Ok, just copied all three files over to where they were in the Haiku /src directory (as directed), and Jam’d. BANG! It doesn’t work. Now Haiku won’t JAM right anymore. Hope I don’t have to download and reJAM everything from scratch… :frowning:

Ok, anyone have any idea what went wrong?

Well, you posted absolutely no information about the failure, and so we have to assume that for some reason the newer files failed to compile.

You can check to see what changed in your local copy using “svn stat”

You can revert the changes using “svn revert -R *”

For more information on how to use subversion, please use “svn help” - keep in mind you’re using tools that do require some amount of development experience here…you might be a little over your head trying to update source files manually :slight_smile:

I decided, to keep things simple, I’d start over, so I trashed the entire /trunk folder and re-downloaded it. I suspect I know what went wrong…

Upon comparing the two source files (I’m working on “if_nfe.c” right now), the one Haiku comes with and the one from BSD, I noticed they are VERY similar. But there are several places where the Haiku version adds some things that are not in the BSD version.

I’m assuming I really only should need to ADD what is different in the Haiku version, to the BSD version, to make the BSD version “compatible” and thus (hopefully) able to be compiled (JAM’d). But since I’m not a programmer, I could be screwing things up royally and it STILL won’t work. But, regardless, I’ve reached a point at which I can’t really figure out how much has been changed in the Haiku version and/or exactly where it needs to go, in the BSD version.

It starts right around:

*Allocate a Jumbo Buffer.

Assuming my logic is correct and simply matching the Haiku and BSD versions, by adding what’s different in the Haiku version to the BSD version, while KEEPING what’s been added (improved) in the BSD version, then I’ve made at least a small nibble in this huge chuck of source code pie. If my logic is flawed beyond any hope, whatsoever, then I’ve probably just wasted an hour or two of my time… no biggie. It was worth trying, at least.

I’m thinking this thread is getting a tad derailed. Might it be better restarted/continued elsewhere or is here still acceptable?

[quote=Luposian]I’m thinking this thread is getting a tad derailed. Might it be better restarted/continued elsewhere or is here still acceptable?

Indeed :slight_smile:

Maybe start a ticket on with your notes, and what you’ve tried so far :wink:

So I updated to newest FreeBSD files and almost compiled. Came out with an error of:
if_nfe.c:(.text+0x2ed5): undefined reference to `m_getjcl’
which stopped me.

Still, I was able to add in the proper fixes to the current Haiku driver to add support for MCP73, MCP77/78s & MCP79. It compiled and is very likely to work but I prefer to check it over tomorrow since I did this in a hurry. Then I can make it available to you to test out.

*EDIT: I looked the code over. Looks good. You can get the file from here:

Urias is correct that you should file a ticket either way - even if this works. That way Haiku’s nforce driver is updated in the source repo and working for everyone else with MCP73, MCP77/78 & MCP79.

Happy testing.


[quote=umccullough][quote=Luposian]I’m thinking this thread is getting a tad derailed. Might it be better restarted/continued elsewhere or is here still acceptable?

Indeed :slight_smile:

Maybe start a ticket on with your notes, and what you’ve tried so far ;)[/quote]

I had a feeling someone, like you, would say something like that… :slight_smile:

Looks like I mighta gotten a bug in Tonestone’s ear, though… :slight_smile: Hey, whatever it takes to motivate!

You may discover that I am a rather unstoppable creature, when I am personally motivated and have reason to believe that I can accomplish at least SOMETHING on my own, if need be. I’d suggest no wet rags on my little pile of burning leaves of enthusiasm… :slight_smile: Personal failure(s) concern me not… but not having networking in Haiku, on Athlonica X2 5000+, is simply unacceptable! :smiley:

[quote=Luposian][quote=umccullough][quote=Luposian]I’m thinking this thread is getting a tad derailed. Might it be better restarted/continued elsewhere or is here still acceptable?

Indeed :slight_smile:

Maybe start a ticket on with your notes, and what you’ve tried so far ;)[/quote]

I had a feeling someone, like you, would say something like that… :-)[/quote]

You totally, and completely misunderstood me (as usual…)

Many who are trying to solve a problem in Haiku log a bug first, then they solve the problem, and post the results in their bug ticket (i.e. a code patch) - when a developer with commit support comes along and sees this progress, they can evaluate the patch and apply it to the official sources.

Thus, it’s considered the PROPER way to submit a patch to the haiku project if you don’t have commit access to the repository directly.

You often, constantly, and defiantly, avoid doing things in the recommended, desired, or preferred fashion, and thus you are often ignored.

It’s your choice buddy, I’m just trying to point you in the right direction.

I am, thanks to you, now replying via Firefox, in Haiku, on Athlonica X2 5000+. I think that well enough says, “It worked!”.

Now to see about filing that ticket thingy Urias was mentioning… unless someone else gets to it before me, which, depending upon how important it is to someone other than me, may happen sooner than it would if I’m the only one to do it.

Thanks again.

[quote=umccullough][quote=Luposian][quote=umccullough][quote=Luposian]I’m thinking this thread is getting a tad derailed. Might it be better restarted/continued elsewhere or is here still acceptable?

Indeed :slight_smile:

Maybe start a ticket on with your notes, and what you’ve tried so far ;)[/quote]

I had a feeling someone, like you, would say something like that… :-)[/quote]

You totally, and completely misunderstood me (as usual…)

Many who are trying to solve a problem in Haiku log a bug first, then they solve the problem, and post the results in their bug ticket (i.e. a code patch) - when a developer with commit support comes along and sees this progress, they can evaluate the patch and apply it to the official sources.

Thus, it’s considered the PROPER way to submit a patch to the haiku project if you don’t have commit access to the repository directly.

You often, constantly, and defiantly, avoid doing things in the recommended, desired, or preferred fashion, and thus you are often ignored.

It’s your choice buddy, I’m just trying to point you in the right direction.[/quote]

But… but… it’s NOT a bug! Missing drivers are not bugs. Bugs are bad code. If Networking was TOTALLY broken, after it had been working, THAT would be a bug. But it was simply missing driver support. And now it works, because the driver was updated. So, if Tickets are only written for bugs, then it would be, technically, improper to file a ticket for a bug that doesn’t exist. Now, if tickets can be written to alert devs of any and all issues, then that would be ok.

I admit, I do tend to be non-traditional in my approach on things. Jumping on a soapbox and all whatnot, but regardless, it must be admitted that what is good for me, is good for all, in the end. So, does it really matter how an end is met, so long as it is accomplished, to the benefit of everyone?

If a ticket for this matter need still be filed (for whatever reason), I’ll look into it and see if I can get around to it sometime this week, unless someone else gets to it first.

If I see network update info (relating to the nforce driver update) over at Haiku CIA, is it safe to assume that the Ticket was filed and addressed?

Good thing there’s a way to mark a ticket as “enhancement” then :slight_smile:

Plenty of patches and updates to code, as well as requests for new functionality are logged at - not just bugs.

BTW, has a nice timeline that shows you changes to tickets and source code - in case you’d rather use that instead of CIA… you can even dig deeper to see what changed, etc.

A piece of code failing to compile however IS a bug …take THAT! LOL

Good thing there’s a way to mark a ticket as “enhancement” then :slight_smile:

Plenty of patches and updates to code, as well as requests for new functionality are logged at - not just bugs.

It would be great if it was possible to direct people to .
After a prompt to log in, it would take the person to the newticket screen with the “Type” pre-selected to “enhancement”.

This its self, should probably be a enhancement ticket. If not on the haiku trac, then the edgewall trac.

[quote=bixzricard]It would be great if it was possible to direct people to .
After a prompt to log in, it would take the person to the newticket screen with the “Type” pre-selected to “enhancement”.

This its self, should probably be a enhancement ticket. If not on the haiku trac, then the edgewall trac.[/quote]

Frankly, that would actually be less useful for myself, and probably developers as well - often times I click on a ticket URL to see it, and then must login to post followup comments. When logging in this way, it returns you to the same page/ticket you were viewing, as you would expect.

Same thing applies to any wiki page you’re viewing - if you want to edit a page, you must login first - if that took you to a “new ticket” page, it would be a royal PITA - whereas if it takes you back to the same page, you can then click the “edit” link (assuming you have permissions to edit pages). The front page is just another wiki page afterall.

I don’t think you are sussed to what I am saying.

If the URL " " had the extension " #enhancement ", to become " ". Then when one clicks that link, it would then send you to the newticket page. That is with “Type” pre-selected as “enhancement”.

Maybe I should of written:
After a prompt to log in, if needed. It would take the person to the newticket screen with the "Type" pre-selected to "enhancement".

[quote=bixzricard]I don’t think you are sussed to what I am saying.

If the URL " " had the extension " #enhancement ", to become " ". Then when one clicks that link, it would then send you to the newticket page. That is with “Type” pre-selected as “enhancement”.

Maybe I should of written:
After a prompt to log in, if needed. It would take the person to the newticket screen with the "Type" pre-selected to "enhancement". [/quote]

Ah, sorry I didn’t catch that detail :slight_smile:

I was paying less attention to the URL format itself thinking you meant going to always start a new ticket after login.

I thought that the “#” in a URL is used to reference a named anchor on a page, and is interpreted a specific way client-side by the browser…


I was paying less attention to the URL format itself thinking you meant going to always start a new ticket after login.

I thought that the “#” in a URL is used to reference a named anchor on a page, and is interpreted a specific way client-side by the browser…[/quote]

I guess I needed time to refine my idea, rather than spontaneously ramble it.

A trac enhancement, than would predefine ticket variables via URL link meta-data.