How to input chinese word?

mmmm, BeCJK also not working with Epiphany。

i use the command " tail -f /var/log/syslog".
then, i launch Epiphany, and try to input chinese word with BeCJK. it’s no working. i launch otther and do the same thing well. then, i close otther and Epiphany.
at last, i lauch Epiphany again , input english word and open a flash website. it is well done.
here are the result with the command tail.
is it a useable messege ? or should i lauch the debugger for the report?

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These options are available by right-clicking when entering in Debian Linux.
Only “none” and “simple” in haiku.
Debian linux 下输入时右键有这些可选。
在haiku 里面只有无和简单。

如果你把BeCJK源代码编译安装在debian(最好是Wayland protocol环境下)里面,然后找下相关的运行记录。那还是有比较参考意义的。

I proposed to tail the syslog in case of system freezes, as it may show the issue leading up to it. If there’s no crash and no freeze it won’t help finding why Chinese input does not work.
Also,it has been pointed out that input methods haven’t been implemented yet in the Wayland port, so Epiphany cannot deal with Chinese input.

mmmm, is it normal? i see the information under the line again and again.
is it mean that BeCJK can not intercept and capture the word from keyboard with global variable?
then, it can not work while the application such like Epiphany or abiword refuse to receive message from BeCJK.
am i thinking right?(just guess)
it is strange that Becjk can work well even with terminal but not Epiphany.

It does look like something isn’t quite right when an input method tries to add its replicant icon to the Deskbar tray. But since you say it’s working for native applications like Terminal, it does appear to manage in the end…

No. As has been pointed out several times now, Wayland doesn’t yet support input methods, so Epiphany can’t either.
As mentioned before, please copy&paste text from Terminal instead of uploading screenshot after screenshot.

Wayland, i see.
it need time to complete.
:grinning:thanks for your explanation.

in general if you copy chinese, japanese or korean text in Gnome Web, it copies a sequence of unicode character codes, something like \u218\u160\u200 going from memory.
I didn’t mention it as I thought someone has probably noticed it, but since we’re talking about that, then yeah

I see. I still prefer WebPositive wherever possible, but just filed issue #5 at the bugtracker X512 mentioned above.

However, copying unicode characters from a native app (Terminal) and pasting into Epiphany does work. Also, there are no unicode characters in the screenshots of Terminal above…

我有必要澄清一下,BeOS 的 DeskBar 在处理输入法菜单及图标时是动态的,即在输入法运行过程中可以通过 BInputMethod::SetIcon()/SetMenu() 进行设置(其实际上通过 BMenu::Archive() 转换成消息后由 input_server 与 DeskBar 进行交互),而 BeCJK 在输入法未准备妥当前(模块初始化在其他线程)或非激活状态时,默认菜单为空且图标为键盘图样(可参考使用 BeOS 或 EIME 运行时状态),以便避免非激活状态时误操作。

而 Haiku 不支持图标即时改变(菜单是否支持未测试过),至于菜单中的文字,原本即使用 UTF8 编码,不存在转换问题。我的看法是 input_server 处理失当(当然仍需进一步核实),建议用近期写的 BeSunPinyin 综合调试一下。把 BeSunPinyin 中不适用于 BeOS/Haiku 的代码全删除后(甚至 libsunpinyin 的相关代码也删除),其即为极简的输入法开发实例程序。

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另外,当 locale 为中文时的菜单消失问题(网友的描述:Issues · DonAnthonyLee/BeSunPinyin · GitHub DeskBar 在未切换输入法时依然菜单空项。此种现象可能原因是:

  1. 输入法初始化失败;但如果采用缺省系统切换键(ALT+空格)能切换后进行输入,即可排除此可能性;
  2. 输入法初始化正常(可通过查询是否有相关线程进行初步诊断),但 input_server 与 DeskBar 交互因某种原因而产生错误;此时若无法用系统切换键进行切换,即可能问题出在 input_server。
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alt+space , then lauch BeCJK out with locale chinese status. thanks, it is work.
by the way, still no working with Epiphany.


it is strange.
there are so many ? in deskbar with locale chinese status , no such things with other locale.
is that the bug of otter?

Disable “Translate application and folder names” in the Locale preflet > Formatting tab.

Also my 2 cents hint: you could use the search function in the top right corner, this question was answered already plenty times.

mmmmm,then, what about this ?

我也遇到过多次。使用otter,或者qbittorrent 都出现过。
另外输入法原来是我搞错了。安装后一直使用crtl+空格调不出,有一次按alt+ctrl+空格出来了,一直以为是这样设计的快捷键。楼上的大神提醒才知道是alt+空格 :grinning:
3.Becjk 图标是花的,切中文输入要试很多次。


there are some problem here.
1,Epiphany can not support is very important.
2,libreoffice-zh-cn is not complete. this is also important
3,otter and becjk are not work perfect with the system function “Translate application and folder names” .
4,becjk should have modern skin.

刚刚试了一下。libreoffice要正确显示中文,需要Haiku 里面的调整外观设置。
把里面的 Noto sans display 改成 Noto sans CJK JP 这种中文字体才能正常显示。

Appearance — fonts — Noto sans CJK JP

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我不太记得当时有无提供另一种输入方法选项了,你找找有无类似“始终采用浮动方式”之类;不过即使有,而其后端为 wayland 也不一定支持(因为始终还是系统事件方式而非 wayland 的专用消息)。

我找时间挖挖 DeskBar 源码,争取为输入法附件平反。 :grinning:

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