How To get Started with Contributions?

why it shows this when I run
…/configure --cross-tools-source …/…/buildtools --build-cross-tools x86_64
this command. I already created generated.x86_64 folder

Took a look at the error? Searching the web shows quite some hints like this one:

The error about /bin/sh^M shows that the configure script has Windows style line endings. So you should check why that is the case. I suspect your problems in jambase.c earlier are also related to that. Windows uses a different encoding for the end of lines in text files and it confuses tools not designed to handle it.

Building Haiku from Windows (even with WSL) is not a supported configuration. It may be possible, but it will be more complicated than doing it from Haiku or from a real Linux installation.

Then what should i do now?

Use a texte editor that allows converting end of lines styles, and save the configure script with the correct EOL style (Notepad++ allows that on windows).

You will keep running into more and more problems. So, really it would be better to do all this from inside Haiku or Linux, for example in a virtual machine. Unless you want to work on fixing all the problems with building from Windows with WSL, but that’s not really fun.

Anyway, first thing to do if you really want to try that is configuring the “core.autocrlf” option of Git to not convert the files. This is documented here: Git - Git Configuration You should probably set it to “input” instead of the default “true” for working with Haiku.


If some of you are interested; I’ve recently started to write a native Haiku application in my spare time. However my programming skills are realy realy rusty! So if you’re interested in collaboration and going through the pain of learning and practising together, just write me a message :slight_smile:


I would not recommend building Haiku under windows as others have said. It’s possible, I have done it, and it works, but it is unworkably slow. it would take me a couple of hours to build Haiku on windows (in WSL) where it takes a couple of minutes on Linux. Trust me, it’s way easier to just dual boot into Linux.

I often build Haiku on Windows with WSL1, and while the performance isn’t great, I have a set of ‘hacks’ that make it tolerable enough for compile-run cycles in kernel development (e.g., using real extended attributes, which works only just well enough to build the system, it loses some important ones that make actually using the full system rather tricky.)

What sorta app? Why not do a forum topic, progress report on it - like x512 does - and maybe ppl can jump in to help when they see an opportunity?


If you’re on Windows 10/11 Pro then running Haiku in a Hyper-V VM works quite well (mainly restricted wrt virtual screen resolution and no mousewheel support etc); this is how I first got set up for development not long ago. It will of course also provide faster turn-around than a cross compiling setup, which is valuable when you’re starting out with development in a new environment.

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A simple text translating program.
I got the inspiration from two things:

  1. Lingua which is already available, however it is dictionary based and I want something for whole texts like DeepL
  2. Haikus new Network Services which gave me the final Idea to write a program which can communicate whit services like DeepL or FreeDict.

This is a good idea, I will write a forum post and people who are interested can have a look at the apropriate thread. However I do not want to raise high expectations only to let people down, when the progress is slow or the quality of the program/code is not as good as the ones from Haiku devs.