On other system with guest addition, I could use VirtualBox’s shared folder. But haiku doesn’t have guest addition, so how could I exchange data between the host and the haiku guest?
You can start ssh server in Haiku guest and use scp client on your host.
I use Dukto for this purpose.
Does haiku support something like sshfs so I could mount a directory on the host on the haiku guest? Does haiku support samba share or nfs? I used to see someone setup a nfs server on a linux guest os and have the host mounting these nfs file system. The data exchange between the host and guest is seamless even though they don’t have any guest addition installed.
sshfs, samba and nfs supported, but nfs only the client side available AFAIK.
Dukto was new to me, checked and found a client even for my trusty old phone too. Nice! But i can’t seem to find any dukto port in HaikuPorts yet, so i went and compiled 2 different version fromrecent github forks, but the programs seems to be either incompatible or something blocked on my router maybe. Could you tell me, which version do you use on Haiku side?
Original SVN version from Sourceforge is fine. It requires Qt4 and small changes to compile on Haiku.
Can the “incomplete” guest additions be used to do this?
No, sadly nope.
I don’t wanna be the “samba guy” here, but there’s a solution : [Solved] Samba Haiku shares
I can browse dirs, open and write files without a glitch
And I’m using VirtualBox too…
[MacOS setup huh ?!]
Using MediaTomb worked for me (32bit)
I use Fugu (Fugu-1.2.1pre1) SCP client on Mac OSX Catalina 10.15.4 to transfer to Haiku running on VirtualBox.
Dukto is now available at HaikuDepot: https://depot.haiku-os.org/dukto.
great! thanks @X512
I can give you what I use. I have a server running linux (and ssh). I’ve installed rsync on haiku (with pkgman)
On the haiku side, I have a folder for synchronisation, inside this folder, this script:
rsync -rltgoDv -p --del --ignore-errors --force --stats --progress /boot/home/Desktop/sync/ -e “ssh -p 22” user@“/home/user/haiku/sync/”
So after I’ve worked on haiku, I just run the ./sync.sh script, and it will transfer everything onto my server.
In the case I need to send something back on Haiku, on the server, inside the /home/user/haiku/sync/ folder, I have this other script:
rsync -rltgoDv -p --del --ignore-errors --force --stats --progress /home/user/haiku/sync/ -e “ssh -p 22” user@“/boot/home/Desktop/sync/”
CAUTION: if you modify things in both folders, if you run the script in one folder, it might delete the difference from the other folder.
(note: for getting the data sync back into Haiku, you’ll need to install and configure ssh on it: Network services | Haiku Project)
Thanks for this; I’ve installed it in my 64-bit Haiku VM and will research how to use it properly! @X512
@farvardin Thank you for sharing your specific Rsync commands; I’m not yet at the point of establishing backups from a Haiku VM but will be doing so between other machines.
I don’t get it running on Haiku 64bit nightly!
Should I report on HaikuPorts or on Gerbera.io github?
Maybe a nice tutorial for Haiku would help? With a config.xml file.