How to dual boot Windows 7 and Haiku (GPT partition)


I have this problem. I have installed Windows 7 which uses a GPT partition. I have two partitions, Windows 7 on the first one (there is as well the hidden partition). Is there an easy way to install Haiku on the other partition. I read there was a way by installing MacOSX and using Refit to synchronize with the MBR…however I do not want to install MacOSX (although I can…OSX works pretty well on my laptop).


I think you can also burn rEFIt to a bootable CD, and use its GPT/MBR synchronize feature from the booted CD. (And thus not having to install Mac OS X just to run rEFIt.)

Thanks for the reply,

I tried to burn the *.cdr file provided with ImgBurn which supports this format but there seems to be a problem with the file (corrupted?).
Does not matter, I will wait for GPT to be supported by Haiku and for the moment I will use it in VirtualBox.