How to connect Haiku to the internet?

I have a DSL connection, use an Ethernet card and connect through Point-to-Point Protocol. I use Fedora 16 (Xfce). Here all I have to do is to go to Network Connections → DSL and put in my USERNAME and PASSWORD provided by the internet service producer. I have no idea how I can use this little information on Haiku.

Note: I haven’t installed Haiku. I was experimenting with the OS through a Live CD.

Thank you for reading! (^_^)

Since Haiku lacks PPP stack (see the only solution is to use any DSL router which will take care of PPP connection/authorization.

I am sorry. I don’t understand. I am not a professional programmer. (-_-)

Are you asking to have another machine with a working internet connection and then linking the desktop with the Live CD to it?

Your DLS ROUTER can connect to PPP itself. You need just configure it, and then you don’t need some extra actions like:“Here all I have to do is to go to Network Connections → DSL and put in my USERNAME and PASSWORD provided by the internet service producer.”

(^_^) You want internetz?
(^v^) Haiku has found the network
(x_X) But no internetz

To change your router settings, usually you can do so with a browser by connecting to one of these:

No he is not suggesting to use another computer already connected but connecting your computer network card to a router box that is set up with your ISP user name and password. Some routers are two in one devices also contain a DSL modem. This way you only need one box.

For greater clarity: You currently connect via ethernet to a DSL modem, using PPPoE. The modem receives your credentials from the computer, that’s why you enter them there. As mentioned, Haiku does not support this way of connecting.

What people are trying to tell: There is high chance that the DSL modem you’re using can also act as a router, which usually is preferrable. In this case, the device establishes the connection on its own.
To act as a router, the device must be configured for it, i.e. will require all the data you currently enter on the computer. The usual way to configure such a device is by entering its IP address in a browser. If you tell people here what kind of device you’re using, you’ll probably get a definite answer on how to proceed.

In case your device really is just a DSL modem and cannot act as a router, Haiku will not be able to use it.

Any idea how it (“connecting your computer network card to a router box that is set up with your ISP user name and password”) is to be done.

I will be grateful if you could list the steps, or direct me to a webpage that does so.

I am familiar with Linux terminal, so CLI is not an issue.

I am not asking for a 1,000-word article. A short list like (a) Do ifconfig, (b) Open text editor, ©… will be sufficient.

Thank you for reading.

Try looking on the bottom of your modem. There may be an IP address you can put in your browser URL box to get to the configuration menu to set it up.

If not you can try some common defaults such as those listed above 192…168.0.254 and is also possible… I’ve seen it on some AT&T modems here in the USA still rather oddball though.

you can run the ifconfig command to determine what your IP address is… your modem address will be in the same range. i.e. … 10.0.0.x or 192.168.0.x where X is 1-10 and 1-254 respectively 0 and 255 are reserved.

Once you get into the Modem/Router with one of the addresses there is a wizard in a lot of modern modems that will take you through the process of setting it up step by step. Your ISP will probably have a lot of information on their website, if it does not have a wizard.

With your existing Fedora setup the operating system is able to complete the connection by itself. Haiku cannot do this, it lacks the necessary software to do so, so they are suggesting that you should go to a store and buy a piece of hardware (sometimes called a “router”) which can substitute for the missing functionality in Haiku.