Unless you look like that, you can’t count for Seven.
Bugger, will settle for 6 then
Of course Haiku should not spy on its users.
On the other hand… everybody else does.
Maybe, just the number of downloads is enough.
knowing how many users there are
definitely shows how well the OS is accepted.
Statcounter measures the market share of various OS.
It doesn’t give a damn about exotic operating systems
such as Haiku or BSD.
So, you can’t get any information about them there.
About BSD, it says 0% worldwide,
Haiku is not mentioned at all,
I presume it’s hidden somewhere inside the 6% of hidden desktop OS.
Well, personally,
I’m very happy I’m using exotic OS (GhostBSD and Haiku), nearly every day, for nearly ALL my computer needs.
Please note that market share means how much money is spent. Haiku has market share of zero percent because it isn’t sold for money - no matter how many users.
the number of users is the most important of all.
it doesn’t matter about selling.
no user, then no developer.
No, whether you sell your product or give it for free is irrelevant, it’s has to do with how it compares with similar products on the market.
I agree. Just saying wht the term “market share” means.
And compered is the revenue. I studied such stuff. If we talk about number of users we are not talking about market. We simply talk about users.
I don’t know how stacounter counts the users.
But it says 3 per cent use Linux worldwide,
and I do not think that they pay for their distro.
Unfortunately very few buy the downloads.
There are sold Linuxes, for example in enterprises and for servers.
As this thread drags along, it’s still unclear to me what anybody would expect us to do with the number of users, even if we had the exact one. Statistics should be a means to an end, not there for themselves. (yes I know that’s quite a naive view )
I think it is very useful to be able to say there are a certain number of users. As we gain critical mass we can say there are so many users and knowing the size of the user base might give developers confidence to bother porting their stuff to Haiku.
Off the record I do feel that Haiku is starting to enjoy a little more traction than before. Each positive review increases mindshare, and they seem to be invariably positive.
i looked into this about 10 yes ago, and my gut says around 8-10k, total globally
Many of us aren’t really users. We just keep our eye on Haiku development. Having faith that one day there will be a release that meets our needs & thus allows us to use Haiku as our day to day OS.
not only haiku, but all open source world.
Some of us have been around for over 20years (heck if you count the first BeOS releases almost 30years!). The number of users hasn’t affected the progress nor interest in Haiku over time.
We just use other media to communicate then we did 20years ago (hi Binky’s)
As a developer here I don’t care about the total user count. I care for myself first, since I want to keep Haiku usable as my main OS. Then I care about “active” users: the ones who are around on this forum or the irc channel, who report bugs, write documents, or donate some money.
Users that don’t do any of this? I will never hear about them anyway. Unless the next question is “how do we increase user engagement” and it’s not a way I wish to go.
Active users are the most important ones.
But slack users will eventually become active,
as Haiku is improving,
maybe slowly, but continuously.
User engagement is going to increase regardless of what you wish, just because you developer team are working aiming to quality, not market share and people appreciate quality in the long term.
The funny thing is at that point other entities will care about user engagement: social media, content distributors, maybe software houses, they will care about some % of users and take haiku into account during their development (and that’s another naive view, I know).
this is very important.
by the way, maybe donate 、broadcast 、 some very basic experience sharing …
normal user have less power.