How Haiku is different from Linux . some other questions

I am really very excited about this OS . I need to know if Haiku uses Linux kernel or Linux applications .Same question about freeBSD if you could tell me .
Can it be dual boot with windows …???

what are minimum system requirements…???

No it doesn’t use either Linux or BSD kernel, it’s based off NewOS kernel (by an ex Beos engineer iirc). Being a remake/clone of Beos it will only run Beos and Haiku applications. But since it has pretty decent posix support alot of Linux/BSD software aren’t that hard to port, also many other third party libraries often used in Linux programs (such as SDL) has been ported and can be downloaded over at and/or . I don’t know if Bootman (Haiku’s native boot manager) handles dual-booting, I use GRUB to boot between Linux, Haiku and Windows XP and it works without a hitch.

As for minimal system requirements, I’ve run it successfully on an old AMD 1.3ghz, 384mb ram, old matrox video card and it ran very well on that one but I’m sure it can perform excellently on lower specs than that. For an OS that gives you a complete desktop environment Haiku is amazingly low on resource usage.

Here is a complete, detailed review of the differences that should be unbiased (note that OS 9 and OS X refer to Apple OS 9 and OS X):

Haiku-Linux-BSD comparison:

a) Outward Differences

Haiku is one centric OS; Linux, on the other hand, is the generic name given to all Linux-based operating systems. ‘Linux’ can actually be derived from the kernel, as this is ‘Linux.’ In other words, Fedora, CentOS, and openSUSE are all still classified as ‘Linux’, just under different flags. Linux is comprised of either software packages, achieved by the end user installing various packages, either by a pre-built distribution or by downloading packages, or by actual compilation, which the programmer can build different software elements that function is one ‘interoperable’ system. The problem, however, is that Linux is too diverse to be a main front. Rather than an estimated 650 distros, which grow daily, Linux needs to consolidate. Haiku, however, is one operating system that uses a totally different outlook. However, like OS X or OS 9, Haiku uses one mouse pointer theme, and one set of elements, for instance–visible to the end user. Linux, however, can be customized at every point–including the window manager, window and all GUI elements, and a whole lot more, of which, if I were to detail, would fill up numerous pages, and I’m not joking, either. (For instance, let’s not talk of the architecture and programming languages and how they differentiate). :slight_smile: BSD is comparable, however, the Berkley Software Distribution cannot be called a kernel, as in most forks it uses the research-based Mach kernel, and is also highly customizable. Like Linux, BSD can have code compiled into software, and since Linux shares the same hierachy of folders and full-fledge POSIX architecture, BSD is also capable of having these programs bundled across the system. As both can use the X Window System, being completely Unix-like, they can run a desktop environment and window manager, giving them similar capabilities as far as aesthestics and customizations to the end user are concerned. Haiku, on the other hand, which will be covered in detail shortly, operates as a single-user system, with one graphical user interface, consistent across all applications. However, whereas the X Server can crash, Haiku allows the user to use the desktop with confident stability, as the desktop is handled purely from the operating system, and not from X11 which is, in my opinion, an “add-on”.

b) Inward Differences

Haiku is modeled after the BeOS from which it is meant to keep alive. As such, while Haiku does include the coreutils, and other Unix-like commands and behavior, Haiku is not a Unix-like operating system. Therefore, it is comparable to OS 9 and the BeOS is many more respects than OS X. While Linux, for instance, along with BSD and openSolaris, classify their application data into system directories and subdirectories under a default root filesystem hierarchy, Haiku uses a format similar to OS X, where applications are ‘contained’. Furthermore, they are placed into predefined folders, such as ‘/boot/apps’. This differing behavior is closer to the classic Mac OS, but is found simple and highly usable by the end user, rather than having to dig through several directories. And while Haiku does use the concept of mount points, and drive mappings rather than lettering, Haiku does share the Unix-like ideas of the other operating systems. Haiku runs applications which are either recompiled to run within itself, or otherwise are built specifically built for Haiku and BeOS originally. Like OS 9, Haiku applications have resource forks, which they can rely on internally, rather than being dependant on external sources during execution. However, libraries and external files are still a prerequiste to run the applications properly or to launch some applications. BSD and Linux are fully POSIX compilant, and are also completely Unix-like, sharing most similarities between programs. To get into full differences here, as I stated in section a, would fill up the page, and is not worth explaining for now.

c) Dual Booting with Windows

Windows and Haiku can co-exist if Haiku can find the Windows partition on the local disks, after which Haiku can aid in writing the boot manager. This will provide a simple Haiku bootloader. Grub, however, is a much more powerful bootloader, allowing editing of command line options, and customizable elements. It is by far, the most capable, as Grub2 can boot Haiku, Linux, and Windows by having the user hand-enter Haiku into a custom file. Windows and Linux are picked up by Grub automatically.

As stated earlier, this is a detailed, yet really brief comparison. Hopefully, this should allow you and others who read your post to see any differences between operating systems, and hopefully, these details, imho, should be correct afaik. :slight_smile:

Haiku is exciting but still Alpha software. Mostly intended for playing around and testing out.

Haiku has its own kernel which is similar to BeOS. FreeBSD has a different kernel too from Linux & Haiku. Haiku has POSIX so can port and play many Unix SDL games.

It can dual boot with Windows and any other OS. I have triple booted Haiku, Windows & Linux.

Minimum system requirements are, 128 MB RAM, Pentium (i586) CPU, any VESA 2.0 graphics card, 1GB drive space or partition. I suggest system with at least 512+ MB RAM, Pentium3/ThunderBird/Duron, 2-3 GB partition space for good performance.

Minimum system requirements are, 128 MB RAM, Pentium (i586) CPU, any VESA 2.0 graphics card, 1GB drive space or partition.[/quote]
I wonder how low you could get it if you really cut out the cruft so to speak. I’m guessing the current builds contain some debug code, and that binaries also aren’t stripped, then by building with -Os and disabling the printer service (perhaps there are other non-essential services running?), stripping the binaries and disabling the debug code it could cut off a decent chunk of ram requirements?

Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku, and eComStation are the only advanced suitable operating systems for x86 desktop computers, there are not better os for desktop what i know. yes there are Aros, Syllable, and more but all this are hobby not in advanced stage of developement… and Mac OS is for x86 but this os is not for PC, only for x86 apple computers…

My native language is not english. sorry…

Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Haiku, and eComStation are the only advanced suitable operating systems for x86 desktop computers, there are not better os for desktop what i know. yes there are Aros, Syllable, and more but all this are hobby not in advanced stage of developement… and Mac OS is for x86 but this os is not for PC, only for x86 apple computers…

My native language is not english. sorry…

It is really very good to have so good response . I would love to become part of this wonderful community . I am happy Haiku forums are alive and have wonderful support .
When is stable release of Haiku …?

I wish this OS a wonderful future …

Alphas are stable except Alpha2 has one or two issues. Most nightly images are fairly stable also.

Get a nightly image. Install it. If Haiku image works good then great otherwise if unstable just get another nightly and try that out.

Haiku development (changes and bugs) can be followed here:

There is not a definite release date. There’s a very small development team on this, so it’s going to take time through Alpha 3, Beta 1, Beta 2, and then final. I am hoping the final version will be complete by 2015.

Thats way to far out there to be honest.