How far off is getting GCC natively hosted onto Haiku?

Are there many libraries/kernel calls missing that would enable GCC to be run directly from a running Haiku?

steveh wrote:
Are there many libraries/kernel calls missing that would enable GCC to be run directly from a running Haiku?

gcc does run directly from Haiku :smiley:

I think the supporting tools are a problem, however - and I suspect may be a combination of issues ranging from issues in POSIX compliance to some kernel process management issues - but I’m not qualified to really make any real educated guesses.

I think you’re really asking: When can haiku "self-host"? IOW, when can I build Haiku using Haiku.

I think the time is soon - but I’m not sure if it’s a priority right away.

UPDATE: did I mention there were issues? (wow, how many times did I use that word it in the above post?)

Or asked in another way, has anyone recently tried whats
needed to
"build Haiku using Haiku" ?

  • and knows what is lacking?
shevegen wrote:
Or asked in another way, has anyone recently tried whats needed to "build Haiku using Haiku" ? - and knows what is lacking?

I suspect it all comes down to kernel stability and POSIX compliance issues.

There are still some "memory leak" issues in the kernel when processes are started and killed repeatedly - and this alone will destroy any attempts to build a project as large as Haiku - even if the binutils run flawlessly (which they don’t yet)