How do you indentify missing libraries in BeOS?

I am trying to install X11.
xterm complaints about a missing library but does not need it.

In Linux it is simple. Do a "ldd xterm" and all the libraries used are listed and the missing libraries are indicated.
Unfortunatelly there is no ldd in BeOS. (I do have the developer edition installed.
Is there a way to find out which libraries are missing.

"objdump -x xterm | grep NEEDED" will list all the shared libraries needed by the application, then its a process of elimination…

hunnia wrote:
Unfortunatelly there is no ldd in BeOS.

Are you sure there is no ldd in BeOS? ZETA does have ldd, and it seems to work as expected (lists up the required libraries and their locations).

koki wrote:
hunnia wrote:
Unfortunatelly there is no ldd in BeOS.

Are you sure there is no ldd in BeOS? ZETA does have ldd, and it seems to work as expected (lists up the required libraries and their locations).

No. There is no ldd. With the objdump given by a respnder I found that I did have all the libraries required. However it seems that the X11 base compiled to Zeta is not compatible with R5.
I got X11 working by combining files from X11 base and X11 packages compiled to R5.

hunnia wrote:
I am trying to install X11. xterm complaints about a missing library but does not need it.

In Linux it is simple. Do a "ldd xterm" and all the libraries used are listed and the missing libraries are indicated.
Unfortunatelly there is no ldd in BeOS. (I do have the developer edition installed.
Is there a way to find out which libraries are missing.

Launch the application from Tracker (double click on the executable) and an alert will show up with "missing library/symbol" and the name of the missing library/symbol.

For those who can’t live without ldd, I can reveal that it does exist out there, but I don’t know of any official source. I got it from BeShare IIRC.