How do I add programs to the Application menu?

Hi, I am a new Haiku user, and I downloaded some programs off of Haikuware, and I wanted to be able to access them from the Applications menu. I tried a few things that did not really work the way I wanted them to (extract the folder directly to the Applications folder, for example). Or, if you could, tell me where programs should go, because I am alittle confused on the filesystem in Haiku (What is the difference between /boot/apps and /boot/home/config/be/Applications?).

You should check out these two pages from the Haiku user guide:

I took a quick look at that documentation but didn’t find information on adding links to the Applications menu. Makes me wonder how I first learned how to do it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, it’s not hard. Applications that are not part of the operating system ("/boot/system") but are shared between users go in “/boot/common/apps”, but in reality you can put them pretty much anywhere you want and they should still run. I think there are some exceptions where an application needs to be “installed” to a specific location, but you’ll know them when you see them.

After that, you can easily add the program to your Applications menu. Your deskbar menus are are located in “/boot/home/config/be”. Create a link to your new program in the “Applications” menu in there.

That’s it!

After the adding of apps to the Deskbar was removed from the Deskbar preferences, he way to “manually” add apps hasn’t been described. At the moment the hint how to do it is very much hidden in the Filesystem layout page under ~/config/be/.
I’ll update the Deskbar section soon.

@chris78: You can quickly open the parent folder of “Applications” in the Deskbar by just clicking on the “Applications” item. It’s just like a drill-down-menu when navigating Tracker.

And welcome, BTW. :slight_smile:

[quote=Humdinger]After the adding of apps to the Deskbar was removed from the Deskbar preferences, he way to “manually” add apps hasn’t been described. At the moment the hint how to do it is very much hidden in the Filesystem layout page under ~/config/be/.
I’ll update the Deskbar section soon.[/quote]

That was all a load of bollocks!
Adding apps etc. to the Deskbar menus was not removed from the Deskbar preferences. Only the awkward custom panel. There’s still the button “Edit menu…” which will open ~/config/be. And that actually is described in the Deskbar page of the user guide.
