HELP WANTED: R1/beta5 boot & hardware testing!

Yes, it is a DNS problem. Usually people are using their providers DNS and don’t necessary know how to change that or can’t for different reasons.

Won’t boot on any computer I have, stops on the bootdisk icon. I tried several downloads and checked the hash before burning the dvds. :frowning:

Tested on two machines (USB stick installation).

  1. Fujitsu LifeBook A Series: Intel i5-2450M (2.5 GHz, 2x2 threads), Intel HD Graphics 3000.
    Everything seems to work fine, as it used to work in beta4 nightlys. Custom OpenGL applications and libraries work as expected. Wifi won’t work at boot because Network settings aren’t saved. This is a well-known old bug, I used the workaround found here which partially works (Network settings window pops up, I still have to select WPA/WPA2 security - but at least I don’t have to type the SSID and password every time I boot the system).
    I don’t really have anything else to report about this installation, since I have yet to find anything going wrong.
  2. Dell Precision T3500: Intel Xeon W3550 (3.07 GHz, 4x2 threads), Nvidia Quadro 2000 (GF106GL).
    This machine is more powerful than the laptop above but Haiku doesn’t work properly here. It boots, and applications I tried just as above work as well - when I manage to run them. And I say “when I manage to run them” because there are frequent “hiccups”: the system stalls pretty much everywhere (when moving the mouse, typing on Terminal, etc). It eventually recovers, only to stall again in a few seconds or, if I am lucky, a minute later. Those delays seem unpredictable, not related to a specific user action. In the end the system hangs when I try to shut it down (the shutdown window appears but nothing happens). I experienced similar behavior in nightlys. I am not sure what should I try to figure out what’s going on.

File a bug report in Trac, and attach a syslog. :wink:

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12 posts were split to a new topic: Haiku image

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Haiku names

Is there a newer test candidate/release candidate than the one at the top of this thread? I would like to test it on my Thinkpad T410.

No, You can use these test images and update afterwards however.

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Report on my Thinkpad T410, keyboard works, display works, brightness keys work. Unfortunately WiFi still doesn’t work (I did run, but that did not help). I am surprised about WiFi, this would be a perfect laptop for Haiku otherwise.

Which Wifi chip does it have? is only needed/helpful for very old chips where the license of the firmware forbids redistribution in the Haiku image.
All newer chips,if supported at all,are supposed to work out of the box.
Maybe your chip is unsupported,or maybe it’s just some bug that can be fixed.
Haiku takes network drivers from FreeBSD and OpenBSD,so we could look if one of them supports your Wifi chip if you say which it is.

Thank you for the reply, GhostBSD 24.04.2 does not seem to recognize the WiFi either. I booted up a Linux live USB (Elementary OS) and this is what lspci gives me:

03:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8191SEvB Wireless LAN Controller (rev 10)

I found a few forum threads about this specific chips,but no solution that anyone got it to work,unfortunately.

Without either FreeBSD or OpenBSD supporting your Wifi chip,there’s nothing we can do.
Your best solution may be replacing the Wifi chip in your laptop,as Thinkpads are usually rather easy to open and repair and such.
I recommend getting a Intel wifi chip,as these are supported rather good at both FreeBSD and OpenBSD.
Alternatively,you could use a USB Wifi stick,many of the cheap ones do also work,but unfortunately there is no way to know if they use a supported chip before buying.

Edit: This one should work,for example: Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260 - PCI |
It’s supported by OpenBSDs iwm driver: iwm(4) - OpenBSD manual pages


Upgraded to beta5 on my laptop, couldn’t find anything that didn’t work, although I did get a ACPI error when shutting down once; haven’t been able to reproduce it though, and I, in my infinite wisdom, forgot to take a picture of the error :man_facepalming:

Haiku 64bit hrev58043:

  • Sound volume is to high out of the box (HD Audio).
  • Epiphany in Apps menu called “Web”
  • Epiphany don’t understand third/forth level of the keymap.
  • Keymap substitution for shortcuts not work on Epiphany.
  • KeymapSwither shortcut setting for changing keymaps work only after system reboot.

Here is your answer about epiphany name. So they kept Epiphany as code name of the project but official name is now GNOME Web, often shortened to Web.

What about renaming Web to GNOME Web in the applications menu so that it’s clear it’s the one from the GNOME project?
Only Web without further clarification is a very generic name and may also lead to confusion with WebPositive,often shortened to Web+
I wouldn’t say it’s a bug,but I got confused by those very similar names as well a few times.


Not part of Haiku. Was discussed at:


Thank you for the help!
I actually have 3 USB WiFi sticks, is there any special process to activate them? I tried plugging all 3 in and none of them seem to be recognized but maybe there is a step I am missing.

Just to make sure, did you plug them in before booting Haiku? Because hot-plugging is not supported as far as I know. (for usb devices using the FreeBSD driver compat layer that is, to be specific)

Apart from that there shouldn’t be any special process required. If your usb wifi devices don´t work you can try with the newest nightly or the beta 5 release candidate that this thread is about (if you are on a beta version). If that doesn’t help find out which chip they are using (listusb and listdev commands, or the Devices app can help you with that) and make a bug report. Sometimes only small changes in the driver or compat layer are required.


Hi @waddlesplash, do you need testing under qemu/kvm 64bit and qemu soft 32bit? I could try both and also efi / bios boot.

Great work :slight_smile: