Help translating applications with Polyglot

When I try to pre-translate anything, the page shows no proposed translations at all. Happens on ALL programs. I tought it’d show the most common strings at least, no?

Furthermore if I click on “Save”, page throws me an error 500. Is this normal behavior?

FWIW these apps are fully es-419 localized now (all by hand :sweat:): ArmyKnife, ArtPaint, BePDF, BePodder, DeskNotes, KeymapSwitcher, ffmpegGUI, LnLauncher, ThemeManager and wpa_supplicant. More to come.


Glossary for es-419 is empty: Glossary - Spanish (Latin American)

No, I suppose if you’re trying to save an empty form, that might be something that I didn’t test for.

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Duh to me! Never looked @ that glossary… In my defense, I thought language subsets “inherited” all pre-translated strings from the parent/main language, but I was wrong again.

I just filled a comprehensive glossary subset, things should be pretty consistent now as per @cafeina’s suggestion.

Fair, however Polyglot currently has no concept of main/overlay language. Perhaps it should, but I’m not sure if the benefits outweigh the added complexity.

BTW, you can remove entries that differ only by punctuation at the end (“…”, “:”). Polyglot cuts the punctuation from original text and reapplies it to the translation as explained in “Glossaries” section in Help.

I want permissions for this. I’m fluent in (at least) 10 European languages (my Greek needs a bit of work though, and I don’t know if Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian are one language without a name—I call it simply наша, naša, “ours”—or four).

Anyhow, I’d like to put some effort in, if you’ll have me.

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I found no PM button and ask you how to join the translation team.I want to take part in the zh_cn part.

I’ve send you a PM. To send private messages, you click a user’s avatar and choose “Message” there.

@humdinger Hello, I got reminded of this Polyglot website just now, but it seems I already have an account under the same email address on the website. I made a new account by signing in with my Github account, but it won’t let me translate anything. A bit of help with this one is highly appreciated.
– Florentina (Romanian Language Manager)

I want to help with translation to Czech on Polyglot. Can you give me access? I’m already registered. My email “”.

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@KapiX Is there any interest in adding other login providers such as Codeberg?
After evaluating several alternatives to use for my project,I think Polyglot is really good software and especially optimized for Haiku apps,so I’d like to use it.
I don’t want to use Micro$oft-owned services to login,however,neither do I want to force my users and contributors to use M$-owned services.
I could write the code for connecting with Codeberg OAuth2,but I’d like to know if it has a chance of getting merged before investing some hours of work into it.


Glad to hear that! :slight_smile:

I can sympathize with this sentiment.

The OAuth2 code is not a problem, Laravel Socialite has lots of plugins for different services and integrating them is easy.

The issue is that going from one provider to many (even two) requires handling conditions that were not possible before. Things like logging in with multiple providers - should it always create a new account, or check if one with the same email exists. If one exists, making sure that you can’t take over someone’s account due to some hole in the process. And so on and so forth.

What I’d like to avoid is supporting a lot of them. Polyglot has one provider because it is simple. However, even if I only wanted to migrate to Haiku SSO, I’d need to implement all of the above to handle the migration. I have to pay the implementation cost either way, so I might as well have two sign-in providers for the time being.

I’ll create an issue that you could track and get it to the top of my TODO list. No ETAs though, unfortunately :slight_smile:


Thank you very much for taking care and explaining the details of adding new providers.
Looking forward to using Polyglot some day :slight_smile:

I’m not sure if it is already supported, but did you think about dark mode support?

It is supported but only if your browser requests it. There is no knob in the app itself.