Help translating applications with Polyglot

Thanks yjwork for offering to help!
However, since you have just joined the Haiku forums and we don’t know anything about you, I cannot grant writing permissions at Polyglot immediately. Do you have any experience in translating or contributing to other open source projects as a sort of track record?

As a reminder and FYI, it would be nice if the application authors would release a new version at least before a beta, to make sure newcomer folks would get a localised version of the applications. Some applications haven’t been updated in a long time.

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I recommend creating tickets at those apps’ issue tracker. Many apps, esp. at HaikuArchives, are in “maintenace mode” and are not actively developed at the moment.

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My Chinese name is 玉堂白鹤.
My English name is yjwork.


Sorry 玉堂白鹤, your first post was mistaken for spam… :blush:
I’ve set you up at Polyglot. Happy translating!

Dear @humdinger, I would like to contribute in order to translate from english to italian :slight_smile: My github account is atomozero

Thanks, @Andrea, you’re all set up! :sunny:


Hello, I can help translate something to Russian language.
How can I help ?


Hi, I am from Hong Kong and I wish to contribute to the traditional Chinese translation. However I couldn’t send an email to you as I couldn’t find your email. My username in Polyglot is NokaWorlds.


Welcome NokaWorlds, I’ve send you a PM.


I want to help with translation to Chinese Simplified on Polyglot. Can you give me access? I’m already registered. My email “” and My user name is “Amor”.


Welcome Amor!
Done, though your name at Polyglot is “gzdxyy”. If you’re unable to change it there, I can do it.

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Thank you. I have changed it.


Somebody down the thread offered help for Spanish translations, how is that going? I can help with es-la variant (Latin American spanish), if no one is currently in charge :slight_smile:

I have the same username in Polyglot as here.


There doesn’t appear to be a language code to Latin American Spanish. At least I cannot find anything in any ISO language tables (e.g. this one). There is a code for pretty much every middle and south American country, but no collective “Latin America”.

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I’ve seen that in the Linux world, some installers work around it by offering 2 choices: es-es (or simply es) for OG Spanish, and a choice of “neutral” Spanish for the LatAm region, usually es-mx.

The general consensus for LatAm Spanish ISO code is es-XL, coined by Microsoft and not an official code initially. But it gained traction and became well supported across the board because, uhh, Windows :man_shrugging:

The official RFC4646 code is es-419.

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Thanks, that helps. Checking our Locale preferences, there is a Spanish Latin American, and “locale -l” says it is “es-419” indeed.
I’ve created the languge at Polyglot and granted you the necessary permissions (plus regular “es” for good measure). Click “Show all languages” if you cannot find it.
Happy translating!


Thanks! and whew, what a metric ton of work to do! Being a “new”, from-zero locale.

Wouldn’t have signed for it if I didn’t want to help, though :slight_smile:

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And that’s only the apps on Polyglot. When finished you can turn to the Haiku GUI at Pootle. :wink: :smile:

I don’t know how much regular Spanish and LA Spanish differ, but you could “export” the catkeys from Spanish and upload them to LA Spanish and would only have to change what’s needed.


If there are only a few differences, you could translate only the strings that are different. There is no need to copy all the european Spanish strings in the new version, the Locale Kit iwll automatically use and find them if you select es_LA as your system language.

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