dear all
i’m try to compile application that depend on poppler-qt5… but it always complain altough dev package have been installed.
dear all
i’m try to compile application that depend on poppler-qt5… but it always complain altough dev package have been installed.
Looks like include directory to poppler-qt5.h is wrong or not defined. What software are you poring anyway?
Did you check if the header is present in the package? (with poppler076 it sits under the path $developDir/poppler/qt5)
Probably need to edit pdfwidget.cpp to use “#include <poppler/qt5/poppler-qt5.h>”?
Or add -I/path/to/the/header to the c/cxxflags.
yes… after fix on other .pro (plugin) fix now… thanks…
i want to port elkirtasse… port from @khallebal github… it nearly compiled after many adjustment… its from qt4
yes @Begasus … i’m not enough checking yesterday… because on hurry ( )
thanks all… its solved
i will continue working on this until finish
oops … other problem show…
one plugin refuse to compile…
i will try to consult with @khallebal as upstream source… and make pr asap…
here the screenshot for main apps open
hope @khallebal read this post…
Thanks for the screenshot.
I was mainly interested how the window tabs looks like with RTL text, but they doesn’t shows any text (maybe wrong font, missing glyphs?).
Haiku UI was made without RTL texts in the mind, but we could optimize it a bit… I assume you are RTL language user, do you have any idea what should be done? Maybe the tabs should be right aligned for RTL texts or something like that.
sorry for late response… i’m not native RTL languange user…
i can read arabic sentence with (harakat) but without it … i just barely guessing…
Haiku UI was made without RTL texts in the mind, but we could optimize it a bit… I assume you are RTL language user, do you have any idea what should be done? Maybe the tabs should be right aligned for RTL texts or something like that
right now… i dont have idea…but. if you have any hint… just tell me… i’ll gladly help if i can
i think for RTL text. text should be right aligned…