Help On Burning BeOS 5.0 PE .cue file

I have downloaded the BeOSArchive from I am trying to install any version of BeOS on a laptop (toshiba with an intel b940 cpu, one of the last pentium 4’s).

I am quite comfortable with using the Windows command line interface, cygwin+cdrecord, and cdrwin. In the past I have built my own BeOS 5 PE boot cd with the devtools, etc…

What is the recommended up-to-date release of BeOS 5 PE, whether it’s the personal edition or a modified version of the pro edition? BeOS Max edition?

Is there a free software that can burn the multi-track .cue file in that archive? I am using a work machine so I would rather not install a bootleg copy of cdrwin. There are two different .cue files for the intel version of BeOS Max:

dir *.toc *.cue
Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 80C4-AC2D

Directory of \BeOS5PEMaxEditionV4b1

03/20/2007 03:36 PM 148 MaxV4b1_Amd.toc
03/20/2007 03:39 PM 153 MaxV4b1_Amd_1024.toc
03/20/2007 03:34 PM 150 MaxV4b1_Intel.toc
03/20/2007 03:41 PM 155 MaxV4b1_Intel_1024.toc

Directory of \BeOS5PEMaxEditionV4b1

03/20/2007 03:37 PM 195 MaxV4b1_Amd.cue
03/20/2007 03:39 PM 200 MaxV4b1_Amd_1024.cue
03/20/2007 03:34 PM 197 MaxV4b1_Intel.cue
03/20/2007 03:41 PM 202 MaxV4b1_Intel_1024.cue
8 File(s) 1,400 bytes
0 Dir(s) 1,639,580,975,104 bytes free


FILE "intel_r5.0.3_boot_cd.img" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2048
INDEX 01 00:00:00
POSTGAP 00:02:00
FILE "BeOS5PEMaxEditionV4b1.iso" BINARY
TRACK 02 MODE1/2048
INDEX 01 00:00:00
POSTGAP 00:02:00


FILE “intel_1024_r5.0.3_boot_cd.img” BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2048
INDEX 01 00:00:00
POSTGAP 00:02:00
FILE “BeOS5PEMaxEditionV4b1.iso” BINARY
TRACK 02 MODE1/2048
INDEX 01 00:00:00
POSTGAP 00:02:00

I also have zeta 1.2 in an 800 MB ISO but no cue file, is there a way to burn it?

Finally, my last resort is burning the BeOS 5 Pro in the trial version of Nero .nrg format at 1x.

Any help is appreciated.

Try Haiku… if not done already:

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ImgBurn can burn bin/cue just make sure you get a clean copy… they’ve had issues with malware recently from various hosting services putting the opencandy spamware in the installer. I I’d suggest running it through the virustotal site before running it though… apparently the malware is in the installer not the application itself :confused:

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Ok. Part of my last job was removing malware but thanks for the warning. I’ll pull a clean copy out of

Which brings up an interesting offtopic point, why have malware authors not secretly hosted malware, let it be archived by the ia_archiver bot at, and then point it there links there? It’s a long game, but still, it might be harder to take down.

Does haiku have an equivalent of BONE?

We are binary-compatible with both BONE and net_server apps. Our own networking stack is itself neither BONE nor net_server, but something of a much saner design than either… :stuck_out_tongue:


Which system type should I use in PCEM?