Help installing OpenJDK

I’ve been following Haiku for a little while, lurking at the edge. Recently it’s been brilliant to see how usable and stable it is.

I got a nightly a few days ago and I’ve been trying to follow instructions to install OpenJDK such as or All the instructions I’ve found include copying/extracting the files to a location that is read only.

So, total noob question, how do I get OpenJDK installed and working? How do we get that into Haiku Depot to make life easier for other noobs?

You start by reading Humdinger’s article:

Followed by mmadia’s article:

Certainly there are people working on the transition, in various ways. I have been quietly picking up some low-hanging fruit myself:

but a really big, complex package like OpenJDK is way above my pay grade, sorry. You’d need to know what you were doing. If you know your way around Java then creating .hpkg files should be child’s play. It really is just marginally more complex than making a zip file from the command line.

hrev 46965 x86 and x86-gcc2 - not work.

Openjava work - hrev 46642 x86 - JRE+muCommander+TFO4 hpkg

hrev 46642 x86 - the best choice for the user

HaikuOS - the only operating system installed on my home laptop.

Thanks both for the information. I forgot to mention about those guides, I tried them as well!

It looks like I was doing it right, but there’s an issue with the most recent nightly. Any idea what might be causing this issue and how it can be resolved?

I couldn’t download the hpkg you linked, the download link on that page points towards another location that does not exist.

[quote=CyberneticianDave]Thanks both for the information. I forgot to mention about those guides, I tried them as well!

It looks like I was doing it right, but there’s an issue with the most recent nightly. Any idea what might be causing this issue and how it can be resolved?

I couldn’t download the hpkg you linked, the download link on that page points towards another location that does not exist.[/quote]

[quote=CyberneticianDave]Thanks both for the information. I forgot to mention about those guides, I tried them as well!

It looks like I was doing it right, but there’s an issue with the most recent nightly. Any idea what might be causing this issue and how it can be resolved?

I couldn’t download the hpkg you linked, the download link on that page points towards another location that does not exist.[/quote]

Strange. It worked on my computer.

OpenJDK needs to be rebuilt, anyway.

Must be a Web+ bug, because it works ok in Windows, but not in Haiku VM on the same machine. Didn’t even think to download it on the PC. Just not sure how to get it over now, without VMware Tools installed… lol!

There’s been a bug in web+ concerning downloads that Adrien has fixed since the last release (I think). For the time being, try “wget” from the Terminal.


Downloads are broken in the latest Web+… even thought it fixed loads of other things. I think its already been fixed in the latest code.

you can still use wget from the command line t download things…

Yes, sorry about that, it’s indeed fixed in the latest code. I’ll try to have a new release up soon…

I have tried to install the above hpkg on a gcc4Hybrid hrev46642, but it does not work

Install is fine, muCommander runs ok, but TF Write does not have any area to enter text, Calc stars forever and have same problem (also seems to hang). Show works fine,

Any ideas, what am I doing wrong?

Many thanks.

[quote=pistooli]I have tried to install the above hpkg on a gcc4Hybrid hrev46642, but it does not work

Install is fine, muCommander runs ok, but TF Write does not have any area to enter text, Calc stars forever and have same problem (also seems to hang). Show works fine,

Any ideas, what am I doing wrong?

Many thanks.[/quote]

hrev46642 x86 (gcc4-2)

that’s most likekly because you’re using the vesa driver,i’ve had this and i forgot to file a bug report,the problem goes away by using a native driver.
please file a bug report about this.

[quote=kim1963][quote=pistooli]I have tried to install the above hpkg on a gcc4Hybrid hrev46642, but it does not work

Install is fine, muCommander runs ok, but TF Write does not have any area to enter text, Calc stars forever and have same problem (also seems to hang). Show works fine,

Any ideas, what am I doing wrong?

Many thanks.[/quote]

hrev46642 x86 (gcc4-2)


I have not said that it does not work at all. I am simply curious what shall I do to make it work on my computer.

But thanks anyway.

[quote=khallebal]that’s most likekly because you’re using the vesa driver,i’ve had this and i forgot to file a bug report,the problem goes away by using a native driver.
please file a bug report about this.[/quote]

Thanks khallebal!

How can I verify if I am using a native driver or not?

Many thanks for helping

~> listimage | grep accel
1445 /boot/system/add-ons/accelerants/intel_extreme.accelerant 0x2207000 0x2215000 0 0

I think it means that it is using the intel driver, isnt’t it?

~> ls /dev/graphics
intel_extreme_000200 vesa
~> listdev
device Display controller (VGA compatible controller, VGA controller) [3|0|0]
vendor 8086: Intel Corporation
device 0116: 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller

TFO4 work fine - hrev 46642 x86 (gcc4/2)

Thanks for the help. I gave it up and wait for the next working OpenJDK release. As far as I could see it is broken in HaikuPorts too.

There were some binary incompatible changes in a recent revision, so current OpenJDK builds won’t run on the latest nightlies.
Over the last month or so I’ve bootstrapped the build on a recent nightly and have been slowly merging in the jdk7u updates. There are a few remaining issues I’d like to fix, but once I’m done I’ll release a package.