Hello and an Introduction for My Ideas on Haiku

Hi there,

I am new to this, I used BeOS once when i was a kid and I thought it was amazing. I’d like to get in volved in the project if i can. I can do a bit of amateur graphic design as well as a bit of HTML and Java that I learnt in my First Year of CS, (though I dropped out). What I excel at though is in designing things thoughtfully, and writing extensinve technical documentation/briefs for projects. Though I haven’t don’t it professionally, This is what I was good at both at school and at Unviersity.

I’ve always been into UI and HCI primarily as I was a gamer geek back in the day.

I’ve got an idea for a GUI Update for Haiku called ‘Koan’ which could either be developed as a DE or intergrated GUI (which would obviously be better. I know this probably would be a long way off and may be out of the scope of your project for the moment but I think with Haiku being extremely efficient at using resources , 10x faster than win95 was back in the day, I think Haiku really has the potential to become a leading OS in the future towards the lower spec netbook/personal mobile computing platforms. With most of major players going towards more bloated adware and privacy issues being constantly being violated and in the news, I think this would be the ample time for the Haiku OS to seperate itself, it’s ethos, and it’s customer base from the crowd and be a major player as a specialised alternative OS in the future.

I think there should also be a new set of protocols for privacy when it comes to OSs for our current age.

Can I speak to someone about this? Is anyone interested?

Looking forward to hearing from anybody.?

A mockup is worth a thousand words ;).

Check out my new post.


you might have to right click and open the images in a new window to see them properly. :smiley: