hbBundle vol 1 (beta 0.8)

Hi All,

I have made a small compilation contains 10 programs:

Each app are original and native for Haiku 64bits only (all progs are in beta stage)

List of apps:


This small utility allows you to use the gravity interpreter Gravity · GitHub in

an IDE with a graphic library!


This small utility allows to display  the screen a series of random values  the screen

To print the result in a file, print it, or make a copy of Screen!

Here is the list of possible choices:


This small utility allows to build ‘regular expressions’ and to see in real time the results  the screen

Results can be written in a file, printed, or clipboard


This small utility allows to store in a database the list of your



This small utility allows you to monitor the disk events of a directory

and display the results  the screen, either in a file

The events are:




You can choose which Items will be displayed


This small game allows you to find 8 words hidden in a letter block


This small utility can display the listing of a directory and then print it, export it to a file


This small utility allows to display  the screen a desired number of counter and clock


This small utility allows to display the sum calculation (Hash) of a list of files according to the chosen types


This small utility allows the developer to store these tips in a database with an unlimited number of folders

each containing multiple tricks

You can edit each trick to then print it, export it, copy it to the clipboard


Download link: Download link

For install:

Extract all files from zip archive and copy into folder /boot/home/config/packages and reboot after.

If you found bugs, have suggestions write a pm !


The source code are available when 1.0 version are released, no docs for the moment

this first version is just for see if all apps running :slight_smile:


You can give a small donation for help for next bundle for buying ressources data

Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/devulder/5


I think the correct link is : GitHub - marcobambini/gravity: Gravity Programming Language

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Not insinuating anything, but generally it bears repeating that people should be careful when downloading and installing packages from outside a known HPKG repository.

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Hi @humdinger,

Sorry for this mistake, i deleted link
In few days, propose another solution.

I’m sure your apps are on the up and up, just taking the opportunity to raise awareness. :slight_smile: