Having Troubles With WiFi

So quite a long time ago, I posted a thread (think it’s on third page now) about how I couldn’t get the WiFi drivers working. You guys said it was because you didn’t have support for AR5B97. And now, you guys said you do have support for it, so I reinstalled Haiku on an empty partition and decided to try it.

When I ran the shell file, “install-wifi-firmwares.sh,” it gave me a ton of errors. Like saying things were corrupted, 404 Not Found errors, etc.

I copied a couple of the things out and put them in a text file, I’m trying to get it to post but it keeps saying “your submission contains invalid characters and will not be accepted.”

Here’s a Dropbox link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/10434417/asdf.txt

Yeah, so basically it didn’t work and I don’t know why. I can’t use Haiku if I cannot use an operating system if I cannot get WiFi, that’s like a requirement for me.

It’s obvious it’s missing some of the files it needs, but I don’t know exactly what to download and where to put them. If that’s enough to get it working.

You downloaded the firmwares manually? You can’t get them without an internet connection in the first place. It looks like you had the files but they are corrupt, try downloading again? Try using wget, it is more reliable than web browser (on command line type "wget ").

EDIT: see link below for how to download firmware files manually and where to put them.


(first link from googling “haiku install wifi firmware” :P)

[quote=Edglex]You downloaded the firmwares manually? You can’t get them without an internet connection in the first place. It looks like you had the files but they are corrupt, try downloading again? Try using wget, it is more reliable than web browser (on command line type "wget ").

EDIT: see link below for how to download firmware files manually and where to put them.


(first link from googling “haiku install wifi firmware” :P)[/quote]

Tried that. When I go to /dev/net/ and type “ls” the only device that shows up is broadcom520x (I think that’s what it was). But if I try to use ifconfig /dev/net/broadcom520x/0 it will say,

“braocom520x is not a WLAN device!”

And there are no other devices listed.

I’m not sure I can help much more. But I think that you have a typo - is it really broadcom520x, I think it should be broadcom570x, right? This is a wired network card so indeed it is not a WLAN device. This means your wired network should work though.

Are you using alpha 3 or a nightly image? Alpha 3 does not support this card, but the nightlies should. Should come up as /dev/net/atheroswifi/0

[quote=Edglex]I’m not sure I can help much more. But I think that you have a typo - is it really broadcom520x, I think it should be broadcom570x, right? This is a wired network card so indeed it is not a WLAN device. This means your wired network should work though.

Are you using alpha 3 or a nightly image? Alpha 3 does not support this card, but the nightlies should. Should come up as /dev/net/atheroswifi/0[/quote]

Ah… I didn’t realize there were nightly builds, I’m sorry about that.
I downloaded the latest one and it worked right away. The WPA2 and everything. I’m actually posting this from Haiku.

It’s pretty impressive.

[quote=nitt]Ah… I didn’t realize there were nightly builds, I’m sorry about that.
I downloaded the latest one and it worked right away. The WPA2 and everything. I’m actually posting this from Haiku.

It’s pretty impressive.[/quote]

It has been way too long since we made a release, so really it is we who should be sorry. I’m currently the release coordinator for the alpha4 release, which we hope to finish by September. It will help prevent this sort of issues when people use too old of a release.

I don’t find any information about AR5B97. does it actually exists ? or maybe it’s AR9B95 ?

Please, report the exact listdev output for your system.

His card works now.

I believe it is the same as an AR9287.