HaikuPorts report covering first months of this year (2024)

Quite a lot has happened these first few months of the year, some highlights, Qt6 and KDE frameworks bumped up to the latest versions, making possible to bring some new KDE applications over, like Tokodon.
TexLive bumped to 2024 version (build failed on buildmaster for 64bit, but is available for 32bit).
Lot’s of updated packages, and some cleanup (like the build tools moved into dev-build section now).
FPC had some fix making it possible to package Lazarus for 64bit.
All in all too many to sum up here, so here is a full list of commits (779 in total) :1st_place_medal: to all that contributed!
File is too large to add in here. :slight_smile:
Saved the list at: Haikuports report (2024‐01 2024‐04) · Begasus/haikuports Wiki · GitHub